"He can teleport anywhere in the world." Mika said and Eliza frowned. "Lucky, I have to run to get anywhere." She said as she crossed herarms.

Bose looked at her with a small smile on his face before he turned to Mika. "Then what's your superpower?" He asked.

"She doesn't have one!" Miles and Chapa shouted at Bose and he gasped very dramatically. "For some reason my power hasn't shown up, yet." Mika said and Bose gasped again.

"Can I just get your attention to what we're trying to," Schwoz got cut off by Bose. "Are you scared you'll never get one?" Bose asked and Mika scoffed. "Absolutely not." She said.

"See guys, that's bad lying." Miles said and Mika rolled her eyes. "Actually dear brother, I'm not scared." She said and Eliza nodded.

"Ok, Pinocchio." She said quietly but Mika still heard her and playfully glared at her making Eliza back away her chair a bit. "Wait, you guys are related?" Bose asked Mika and Miles and the group sighed.

"You didn't know that? I thought we established this." Miles said and Bose shrugged.

"I know I have a superpower, it just needs to appear." Mika said and Schwoz got an air horn and made a terrible sound which made Eliza jump a bit.

Chapa stood up and her hands started sparking. "Never 'hey' horn a women!" She shouted towards Schwoz. "Chapa, calm down." Eliza said as she faced her.

"Don't tell me to calm down. We've been in this school for three weeks. We should be learning to be superhero's but instead we're practicing lies and getting the 'hey' horn!" She ranted.

"Hey, I'm already amazing at lying. Watch, I'm so wearing pants right now." He said and his friends looked at him weirdly. "Bose, are not wearing pants right now?" Eliza asked with her eyes narrowed.

"Not important. But what is important is that I'm taking Schwoz's 'hey' horn!" He said before using his telekinesis to lift the 'hey' horn thats in Schwoz's hand into the air.

Schwoz looked up at the air horn and stepped forward. "I'm not going to jump for it. I know you all want me to jump but I am a man of science and I am not-" he said before he started jumping for his 'hey' horn which made the group of friends laugh.

"Give me back my 'hey' horn!" Schwoz shouted as he continued to struggle to reach his 'hey' horn. "Sure, as soon as you let us fight crime." Chapa said.

Schwoz then stopped jumping to look at all of us. "It's not my decision. It's Captain Man's." He said and Eliza crossed her arms. "Well, where is he?" She asked, having no idea where her father was.

"Yeah, the only time Captain Man is here," Miles was cut off as Captain Man fell from the ceiling and landed on the ground. Bose looked over at the superhero and dropped the 'hey' horn. "Emergency! Emergency!" He shouted.

"Finally!" Eliza shouted as she stood up. "This is not a drill!" My dad shouted as he started banging on our desks. "Get your to Man's Nest and get your suits on! Go, go, go!"

Bose had a panicked look on his face before he flipped his table. The group then noticed something odd about his pants before they realised it was a shirt. "Are you wearing a shirt for pants?" Eliza asked and Bose turned to her.

"Yes!" He shouted and she jumped before he made his way to Captain Man. "I do not know what to do! I have literally forgotten all of my training!"

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