1. °where you met°

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You met at an Café! You were sitting kinda lonely so he asked you if he could sit next to you. And from there on you started talking and later exchanged numbers.

You met at an Computer Convention! You randomly started talking about different stuff and found out that you have some stuff in common. You exchanged numbers and walked through the rest of the convention together.

You guys were roommates in highschool! He hosted a lot of party's so you basically never had time on weekends to study. After highschool you still stayed in touch and actually moved to the same state and the same city.

You met at a dog park! (If you don't have a dog just imagine you have one pls :)) You started talking about random dog stuff. You met occasionally and became friends quickly. And after a few weeks you exchanged numbers.

Wilbur Soot:
You are neighbours! You always heard him laughing while he was streaming. One night you were trying to sleep but couldn't because he was pretty loud, so you decided to go to his flat and ask him to quiet down a bit. After that he felt bad and tried to make it up to you. And from that on you talked more and became pretty close friends.

You met at a Library! You were looking for a book and couldn't find it. So you asked him for help. He helped you and you started talking a bit. You figured that you lived pretty close together so you met again and talked a bit more. Since then you occasionally meet and talk.

Niki Nihachu:
You met at a park! You bumped into eachother and she just startet apologizing over and over again, so you tried to calm her down. From that you just talked and decided to meet again soon. And after some time and meetings you became friends.

Captain Puffy:
You met at a clothing store you work at! She was looking for a shirt so she asked for help. You helped her and she really liked your style. She came back to the store more often and asked for you to help her. Through that you started talking and meet outside your workplace. You became friends fairly quickly.

You met at a party! One of your friends hosted it and you saw eachother and immediately started talking. The more drunk you two got the more you started flirting with eachother. You woke up the next morning with a headache and a weird  woman lying on your couch. She stayed at your place a little longer and you got to know eachother. You exchanged numbers and became good friends.

You meet at a birthday party! A friend of yours invited you to their party. You didn't really know anyone, so you just sat there waiting for it to end so you could finally go back home. Quackity noticed you and started talking to you. You both laughed at dumb jokes he made and the night wasn't that boring anymore. You became really good friends afterwards.

Karl Jacobs:
You met at the cinema! You planned on going with some friends but they kinda ditched you, so you decided to go alone. You picked a romance movie and just sat there eating your popcorn. You noticed that the cinema was full of couples and you were the only one sitting alone, well like prince charming Karl came through the door saw you and immediately came over and asked to sit with you. You agreed since you didn't want to be alone and after the movie you talked. You exchanged numbers and met quite often.

You met at a club! Your friends dragged you to a club and promised it would be fun. Well they had fun, but you were just sitting there and drank. You were alone until some random guy tried to hook up with you. You told him no multiple times but he didn't take it as an answer until Schlatt came and told him to leave you alone. You thanked him and immediately your friend came and said you should exchange numbers. You didn't really want to but your friend is very stubborn and always gets their way. You both just started texting and became friends

A/N: heyy I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! If you see mistakes or have suggestions please let me know.  Have a good day/night, and don't forget to eat and drink something!

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