Prom date Peter x reader

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A/n : This is from "Raising Helen" in case you didn't know, I've had this idea for a little while, tell me if you like it or not :)

You were at the prom of your Lutheran school, and your prom date had ditched you to go drink alcohol at the back of the school with his friends.


You were about to head out of the gym when you heard Pastor Parker scolding a group of boys all standing in line, and, curious as you were, you decided to get closer to them.

When you got close enough, you looked at the boys, and your eyes landed on a redheaded boy's face. You immediately recognized him.
He was the school sportscaster. You couldn't believe that he got into trouble, you knew that Peter was a really nice guy, although you never really chatted with him, or only when he would ask if he could borrow one of your pencils.

You must have been staring because Pastor Parker went up to you.

"Y/n, do you know anything about this ?" He asked

" sir, I don't even know what is going on, sorry." You answered, feeling the eyes of the whole group of guys on you.

Pastor Parker sighed "Thank God....Alright"

He was about to walk away but he turned back to you before saying :

"Are you by any chance friends with Audrey Davis ?"

"No sir, sorry, I didn't really get to chat with her, we don't hang out with the same kind of people" you quickly answered.

He hummed before turning his attention to the line of guys, who immediately looked down showing how guilty they were. At this sight, you chuckled lightly, and you thought that no one heard you until you saw Peter looking at you, his eyebrows raised as if he wanted to say "oh really ?"

You turned red and started walking away before Pastor Parker called you, you turned back to look at him with an interrogative look and he took a few seconds to speak up, as if he was thinking about what he was going to say.

"So you know who Miss Davis hangs out with, right ?" He said and you simply nodded.

He spoke up again "Could you please fetch them ? Tell them that Pastor Parker needs to talk to them"

You nodded again and went on the dance floor to try and find some of them, unfortunately, the DJ had put a slow love song and everyone was either dancing or making out, so finding who was who was no easy task.

After a few dozens of minutes, you found some of Audrey's friends and when you brought them back to Pastor Parker, he interrogated them. You wanted to go home but you were told to stay in case they needed your help again.

Finally, after at least 30 minutes of slow love songs as background music and sneakily exchanging looks with Peter while noticing some details about him that you didn't know, like he fidgets a lot when he's anxious, or the lights installed for the prom really play with the colors in his red hair, Pastor Parker got a phone call, and told everyone that they could go back to what they were doing, you just guessed that the problem must have been solved.

You started to make your way towards the door until a hand grabbed your wrist, it was Peter.

"Hey" he said with a smile.

"Hi ?" You simply answered.

"You're leaving ?" Peter asked, pouting.

"Well yeah, my friends left already an hour ago and my prom date gave up on me to go drink some beer or shit like that, it would be sad if I just stayed alone in a corner until the prom was over, right ?" You explained pulling your wrist out of his grip.

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