One And Only- T.R.

Start from the beginning

"Why is that Tom?" she asked as the train was leaving the station

"We've spent so many years as friends, If things were to change and go south, we'd never look at each other the same."
"Did you really mean what you said?" He asked

"Every word." 

He stayed quiet, leaving Y/N to continue the conversation.

"Look Tom, I know things like this in the past haven't gone your way. But I promise it won't be like that"

"How do you know that?" he asked slightly irritated

"Okay I don't, but you won't know if you don't try"
"C'mon, you can't say you don't have feelings for me" she smirked

"Of course, I have feelings for you, and yeah there were times I wanted to act on it, but I thought it was best if I didn't"

"Why are you so scared?" She stood up, moving to his bench sitting right next to him
"I don't know what I have to do to prove that I'm in it one hundred percent" She grabbed his hand locking her fingers with his

"It's not you Y/N, believe me. I just want to make sure I have my priorities in order" he rubbed circles on the back of her hand

"However long it takes, I'll be here. Whichever road you choose I'll go" She sent him a gentle smile

"I need time to think about this, I promise I don't mean to waste your time, I just want to be one hundred percent about this" 

She rests her head on his shoulder, breathing in his scent. 
"Okay" she whispers

When Tom received her letter, he was conflicted. On one hand, he was overjoyed because he loved Y/N very much. On the other, he was afraid. Afraid to commit, to take such a big step in their relationship. For years his love for her only grew, he had a bunch of short-term relationships that never worked. They just weren't her.

He feared that their relationship would end up like the others. He couldn't do that to Y/N, he had never cared for someone so much. He spent all night thinking about the letter, hanging on every word written. He didn't sleep at all.

Resting his head atop of hers, they comfortably sat in silence. Soaking in each other's presence. Slowly falling asleep together.


A few weeks had gone by, the craziness of starting school had calmed down. Y/N and Tom had only spoken a few times, never about what was said that day on the train.

It was a rainy Sunday night, Y/N sat in her common room working on her weekend homework. A light tapping on the window, an owl asking to be let in. There were only a few people still awake, she walked over to the window letting it in.

It flew in, landing on top of a table next to Y/N. It flapped its wings, telling her the message was for her. Taking the note from its beak, thanking the owl softly stroking its head.

Opening the small folded paper, the ink was a little runny because of the rain, it read

 I've made my decision, meet me in the courtyard right now, please.

- Tom

She speed-walked up to her room, putting on regular shoes, grabbing her coat. Sneakily walking out of her common room, moving through the corridors trying not to get caught being out past curfew. 

Once she made it to the courtyard, she saw him standing there in the rain. Drenched. 

"Tom, you're all wet" She yelled over the rain

"It started when I got here" he replied
 "I'm just going to get to it, I don't want you getting sick. "

She looked up at him, watching the rain run down his face as he speaks

"I'm in love with you Y/N, and if you are still willing I'd like us to be together" he spoke, adrenaline coursing through his veins

"What changed your mind?"

"I'm sick of being afraid, I want you more than anything and I was the only thing stopping that from happening."

"Are you sure? We can take things slow-"

"I'll go however fast you want" he cut her off
"So what do you say Y/N, be my one and only?" he spoke in his signature silky accent

"It would be a pleasure" she smiled at him

Wrapping her arms around his waist, going on her tippy toes. Tom leans down to meet her halfway, lips parted connecting with hers. 

A passionate kiss in the rain, sounds like something out of a movie.

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