A woman with a trolley came by and opened the door. "Something from the trolley?" She asked. On the trolley was an array of delicious snacks that Aang didn't have the money for. Sokka began digging in his pockets, as did Bolin and Zuko.

Zuko looked over and saw Aang looking hungrily at the trolley. He wondered why he wasn't getting money out, then remembered his parent's careers. His mother was a writer with zero published books and his father was an auror, they were probably living on Tinley's money alone.

Zuko pulled his money out of his pockets and said, "We'll take the lot."

Soon, the compartment was filled with sweets of all kind. Zuko had to paid for Bolin, Aang, and Sokka, and the four of them were eating delicious desserts and candies. Sokka opened a chocolate frog, which jumped onto the window, and pulled out a card.

"Got Gyatso again," Sokka said. "I've got three more at home."

"I got Kyoshi," Zuko said.

"I haven't got her yet."

"I've already got one of her, but I also have a Gyatso one too."

"Cool! I got Yangchen!" Bolin said. "I haven't gotten her yet!"

"What do you got Aang?" Sokka asked.

Aang shrugged before picking up his chocolate frog and opened it. He pulled out a card that had a picture of an old man looking at him. His hair was white and his beard was long and the same color. His amber eyes had a seriousness about them. Under the picture was the name 'Roku'.

"I got Roku," Aang replied. "I don't have him yet."

Zuko nodded then looked at Sokka. "I'll trade Kyoshi for Gyatso. I can give the card to my sister."

Sokka nodded and the two traded.

"What house are you guys hoping to be in?" Sokka asked.

"Well...like I said my whole family is Slytherin." Zuko replied.

"What about you, Aang?"

"Both my parents were Hufflepuffs, so it'd be cool if I was one too," Aang replied.

"My mum was Hufflepuff too!" Bolin said with a smile. "Gran says I'll probably be a Hufflepuff like her."

"Awesome!" Sokka said. "I'd want to be a Gryffindor, like my dad!"

"We don't really get to choose though," Aang said. "That's the Sorting Hat's job."

"Yeah I know," Sokka replied with a careless wave of his hand. "My sister already gave me a lecture. She'll definitely be a Ravenclaw like our mum."

Suddenly, the door opened and there stood a bright eyed girl with blonde hair. "Head Girl told me to tell people to get their robes on. We're nearly there."

"Hey Allie!" Zuko said, recognizing her. "Already getting points in with the Prefects and Head Boy and Girl huh?"

"If I want to be Prefect someday, I gotta start somewhere," Allie replied. "I better go and tell other compartments, see you later." The door slammed shut before she walked away.

"That was my cousin Allie," Zuko explained. "She's my uncle's daughter so she's one of the good ones."

The four boys pulled their robes out of the bags they brought aboard with them and slipped them on. That's when the door opened again and there stood the most beautiful girl Aang has ever seen, not that he's seen many girls.

What caught his attention was her eyes. She had the most beautiful color of blue eyes, and they were kind as well. Her hair was dark brown and her skin was dark toned. She was an exotic beauty.

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