Adventures in supersiting

Start from the beginning

"no non-supes in the house." I roll my eyes. 

"they aren't here, how would they know?" She ignores me. 

"I'm calling cherry to cancel." Phoebe says. 

"you're right." Max says letting go of me while I sit next to Nora. 

"Of course, she'll probably find a new best friend." Max says and Phoebe freezes. 

"and you can make loneliness your new best friend. You'll be just like Lizzie." he says and I glare at him and get up and follow him to our room.

"wait!" phoebe calls and we stop and turn around. 

"you guys promise that if cherry comes, you won't use your powers?" she asks Billy and Nora. 

"of course not." "Of course we won't." Billy and Nora both answer at the same time and Nora zaps Billy. 

"She's not here yet." Nora says after seeing the look Phoebe gave her. 

"Okay I'll do it." phone says and max fist bumps me. 

"Great, let's text her." Max says using his powers to grab phoebe's phone. 

"hey!" she says. 

"Sup, girl? Pheebs here." Max says and I almost laugh. 

"You're texting as me?" Phoebe asks and i roll my eyes for someone so smart she sure is dumb. 

"totes obvi we should hang at my crib. See you at 7:00 as if. Smiley face with a party hat." Max says sending the text to cherry. 

"Darn it. That is exactly what I would have written." Phoebe says. 

"All right, guys, to the max Lair!" Max says jogging to our room entrance and presses the button and slides down. 

"Billy in the hole!" Billy shouts and goes down and Nora walks over to us. 

"glad we got rid of the boy germs, am I right sisters?" me and phoebe look at her. 

"yeah, i'll just go." Nora says, walking away, Phoebe shakes her head and looks back at her phone. 

"you've changed Lizzie." Phoebe suddenly says and I look at her. 

"Oh really? How so?" I ask as she shrugs, 

"You used to be so talkative, and kind-." i cut her off 

"people change Phoebe. I may not be the same person I was 5 years ago but neither are you." I say and walk away and press the button and go down the slide onto Max's bed. I go to my side of the Lair. 

"Doctor Colosso?" I hear Nora say, 

"Gah!" Dr Colosso screams and they keep screaming at each other. 

"close it." he says. "yep." Nora agrees, closing the cage. 

"Did Max not tell you not to touch anything?" I ask them they nod and i roll my eyes they didnt listen, 

"I shouldn't be here, Nora." Billy says and I roll my eyes tinkering with a new project to wipe minds. It's kinda like Max's but mine erases certain memories. 

"The junior super troopers motto is 'Do no evil'." Billy says. 

"then leave. It's not that hard. the door is right over there." I point to the door and Max claps his hands. 

''Okay, who wants to help me carve my initials on the moon?" Max asks. 

"Ooh! I do! Me! Pick me! Me, me.'' Billy says, jumping up and down. I then keep tinkering with my project till I'm done for the night. I put it into my drawer where all my inventions go. I'm very organised for some reason. I look to see what my siblings are doing but they are boring me so I go upstairs to sit on the couch and watch a movie on my tablet then the thundermoniter goes off. 

Elizabeth ThundermanWhere stories live. Discover now