Adventures in supersiting

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"Hope you're all hungry." Phoebe says sitting the cloche on the table and everyone says yeah. 

"it is so nice to sit down to dinner like a normal family." Mom says sitting down smiling she's sitting next to dad. I'm sitting in between Billy and Nora and Max is sitting at the head of the table. Phoebe's seat is across from him. 

"yeah." Phoebe says and takes the cloche off. 

"hit it, sis." Phoebe says and Nora cooks the food with her laser eyes then smile. 

"i'll get forks." Phoebe says using her telekinesis to grab them how lazy then goes to her seat. 

"i'll get the lemonade!" Billy says using his super speed to go to the fridge and toss stuff to get to the lemonade and dad flinches and speeds back right next to dad. 

"and I'll eat dessert." Max says using his telekinesis to bring the cake over. 

"Max, that's for later." Phoebe says standing up and using her telekinesis to try and get it back now there is cake in mid air.

 "says who?" Max says also standing up uh oh this is not gonna end well for somebody.

 "me. Now let it go." Phoebe says. 

"suit yourself." Max says and stops using his powers and it goes flying at Phoebe but she ducks right on time and now there's cake on the wall. could this get any worse? It's my turn to clean up the kitchen. Max laughs.

 "Wall cake!" Billy shouts and is about to run to get it but dad grabs him and now he's running in place in the air. 

"that's it. For once, could we enjoy a nice, relaxing dinner without you kids using your superpowers?" Dad asks,

 "No problem." Phoebe says. 

"I'm sorry." Nora says. 

"whatever." Max says.

 "sure, dad." Billy says as they all sit down. 

"great." Dad says putting Billy down as he goes back to his seat.

"now where is my peruvian hot sauce?"Dad asks. 

"you're gonna fly to peru to get hot sauce, aren't you?" Phoebe says. 

"Thunderman! Away!" Dad says flying away and making more mess. This family makes me want to murder people. Max pulls out the hot sauce. 

"that is never not funny." he says and i sigh and mom and Phoebe look out the hole. The next day me and Max are in the kitchen when he tosses me an apple and I catch it and I follow him then Phoebe bumps into him. 

"Except him. He's evil." Phoebe says. 

"come on, sis, you're my twin. Where's the love?" Max asks side-hugging Phoebe. 

"uh, the love died when you beheaded my dolls when we were five." phoebe says the girl really knows how to hold a grudge. 

"oh, yeah. Totally worth it." Max says pulling out his keys with one of her doll heads attached to it and I smirk. 

"now, if you will excuse us, we're off to go do supervillain stuff in our Lair." Max says as we go to our Lair and pushes the button 

"It's not a Lair if it has a nightlight." mom says pushing the button again closing the Lair. 

"supervillains? More like super-cuties!" Dad says kissing our cheeks and I rub my face off. 

"where are you going?" Nora asks, 

"I am taking your mom out to dinner." Dad says.

"So Max and Phoebe are babysitting you. They're really looking forward to it.'' Mom says Phoebe comes down stairs. 

Elizabeth ThundermanWhere stories live. Discover now