Beach Bonanza

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"I never thought I'd say this, but I'm the luckiest axolotl in the world" whispered Ricardo.

 It had been a while since he could really trust somebody, and this felt like the best thing in the world. They sat there, the ocean breeze on their gills, the sound of seagulls above them and the salty mist ticking their faces. 

The sky was a shade of aquamarine that perfectly matched Juarez's eyes, and as their feet emerged from the sand, Juarez sighed sighs of relief as the week's stress melted off him. It was nice to see him like this, so calm, peaceful, and relaxed. The definition of serenity. 

Juarez, giddy with the golden retriever energy he so peacefully exuded, exclaimed "Get up get uppp, cmon let's go look for some sand dollars". 

Ricardo acquiesced, and together they walked along the beachside, holding hands and laughing, not a care in the world. 

Ricardo never wanted this day to end.

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