Chapter 1: The Stampede

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"Good morning kids" said the librarian
"Good morning Mrs.Rubin" yelled the kids "So today I will be reading reading you a book about Ancient Greece. Now the librarian used to live in Ancient Greece and wanted to share with the kids how awesome her story was.
Once in a little town called Athens was two little boys. The two young men liked the same girl whose name was Aphrodite. If you don't know who Aphrodite is she is the goddess of love, beauty, and fertility. She could have been born from the foam of sea or the daughter of Dione and Zeus. So now that you have some background we can get on to the story. So the two young boys Caesar and Zaire are totally different. Caesar like music and Zaire likes fighting. They all were walking around until they spotted a horse then another one can and then two more. Aphrodite loved animals. She saw a man with an ax running towards the poor horses. "Get em" yelled Aphrodite. Zaire grabbed his sword and jumped in front of the butcher and said "don't kill them". Aphrodite was only 10 years old and had to have a guardian which was Zeus. Now a stampede of horses were heading toward the town and the butcher was running back home. The horses made it to Athens and had hit a Zeus statue and made a mess. "APHRODITE "!!! roared Zeus. "uh-oh" I'm in trouble" "you have done it" "but" "no buts you are going to boot camp" Aphrodite was so sad she ran to her home and fell asleep in her bedroom. The next day she had to leave. All of the town met Aphrodite at the train station. Zaire and Caesar were the first ones there. Aphrodite ran up and hugged them. "I will miss you guys" Caesar gave Aphrodite a gift. It was a bonnet. But he wasn't the only one giving gifts. Aphrodite brought Caesar a new guitar and on the side was a letter that said always remember me <3 Aphrodite. The train came and she had to leave. But her bonnet had fallen off her head. Zaire picked it up and the next thing he knew is that the train was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2015 ⏰

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