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You and Cindy were at camp nightwing. You two were best friends and both single. You had a major crush on her but you knew she probably didn't feel the same away about you. "Hey!" Cindy said in her usual tone. "Wanna go to my cabin?" She asks. "Sure." We get to her cabin. Suddenly, she got all quiet and flustered. "Okay... so there's something I've been meaning to tell you." You get alarmed. "What..?" There was a long pause. She placed her hand on your shoulder and you locked eyes. "Y/n, I like you." You were shocked. There was a long silence. "It's ok if you don't like me back I-" Cindy said terrified of what you might think. You grabbed her cheeks and looked at her. Without saying a word, you kissed her. You deepened the kiss and never wanted to let go of her. After a while you pulled back. She smiled at you gently, "I love you so much y/n." She whispers, looking me in the eyes. "I love you too berman." A wide smile formed on your face before you continued to peck each other with kisses and cuddle.

My sister sleep talks and she just pointed at the wall and sat up in bed saying, "wait, no, stop I'm a lesbian." and then went back to sleep. HELP I'm scared 😩

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2022 ⏰

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