Chapter ten

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━Chapter ten━

Y/n was impressed with her date's choice of picking a place for them to eat. A moment ago, she suddenly felt famished, and it followed by her stomach growling. The tan-skinned male offers that they should eat first after noticing the time.

The restaurant walls are painted warm and neutral colour, with big windows with plants on each corner. The stinging but unique aroma of coffee flies around the room.

Waitresses and waiters move around the tables serving their customers.

"H-how do you like the food?" Hajime starts, looking at his plate with blush creeping to his face.

"It's delicious." She replied.

'How awkward and stiff that was...' The two thought in their mind.

The conversation did continue with the tension that is so thick with awkwardness, as they sipped their drinks, Y/n couldn't help but steal glances at Iwaizumi, admiring the way his eyes crinkled when he smiled and the way his hands gripped his cup with a quiet intensity.

Taking a deep breath, Iwaizumi looked at her in the eye. "Sorry if I'm being awkward. I'm not really good at this," he confessed, his cheeks tinted with a faint blush.

Y/n smiled softly. Her heart is swelling as her love for the boy across her grew bigger. "It's OK, I'm not really good at this too." She admitted, her voice turned low almost to a whisper.


AFTER THEY EAT, they strolled together, walking past a pet shop where Iwaizumi found her adorable as she placed her hand to the window as a puppy yapped at her.

Unfortunately, as the sunset, they have to cut their date a little early when Y/n meets her father, her workaholic father.

"N/n?" A quite old voice slur. Y/n stopped in her tracks, Iwaizumi stopped seeing she stopped walking beside him.

"What is it?" Iwaizumi asked her. He followed her gaze to find a man in his mid 40's. His hair is dishevelled, and his face is red.


Iwaizumi eyes double over at her voice, this man in front of them is her father. The man smiled widely at his daughter.

"My daughter!" He spoke laughing quite loudly before it turned to a sobbing.

The teenagers flinched at his sobbing, and another man walked out from the store behind the sobbing man. "Hey Rokuto, why are you crying?" He pulled the man up to his feet.

"Uncle Haruto!" The said man eye widened a bit, surprised to find the girl here.

"Oh, Y/n!" He glanced back at Rokuto, "What's with you, Rokuto?"

"My daughter is slowly growing into a woman! I wish she would stop growing!" Rokuto sobs as he wiped his tears aggressively with his sleeves.

Y/n gaze softened, looking away, wiping her tears before facing Iwaizumi. "Iwaizumi, I'm sorry. Looks like we have to end our date early, " She told him, Her head tilting up to meet his gaze.

Iwaizumi nodded with a small smile, "That's alright."

"You don't mind?"

"I don't mind at all."

"DATE!?" Rokuto gasped dramatically before sobbing again, hugging his friend tightly.

"Get off! Goodness, why did you even drink in the first place if you're light weight!?"

Iwaizumi watched as Y/n grabbed her dad's arm around her shoulder just like Haruto while they balanced the drunken man to his feet.

Iwaizumi smiled before he went to his journey back home. He enjoyed the date despite it being awkward at first before it slowly made a memory they'll cherish.


"What's with him?" Y/n eyed her dad, who's laying down in the backseat. Haruto had driven the two back home.

"He just took in a patient, very young if I recall she told us she's 8 years old. She's getting her surgery in 3 days." Haruto explained, "She's getting a transplant. I think she reminds him of you."


"Yeah, the kid was quiet like you and did not cry when she was given a shot."

A murmur interrupt them, and they glance behind to the backseat. " daughter is the cutest," Rokuto murmured before going back silent.

"Hmph, it's not like I'm the one who stays in my room all the time," Y/n huffed.

"Hey, who was that guy anyway? The one you were with? Is little Y/n have a boyfriend?" Haruto teased with a mischievous grin before laughing when she hit his arm.

"HMPH!" She faced the window, hiding her face that slowly turned red.


"I'm a senior too, uncle."

"Oh right, I completely forgot about that part." Haruto hum, "Third years, huh? I remember I was being flocked with girls because it was my last year."

"Uncle Haruto."


"It's not nice to lie."



⇢˚⋆ ✎ ˎˊ-

Hello! I'm so sorry I haven't updated for almost 2 years now. The last time I updated was July 2022? Hihi

I didn't know how many people read this, because I assume people don't read this one anymore until I realise the comments like "Bro it's November" "bro it's February" then I realised people still read this and those comments is sort of a reminder that I haven't updated. Anyway, I just made another plot for this book. Hopefully, it'll be better. See you soon or not (Insert Nicki Minaj laugh)


𝐏𝐎𝐑𝐂𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐎𝐋𝐋 ━━ IWAIZUMI HAJIMEDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora