Religion 101

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Religion 101:

Topic i

Homosexuals and religion!!!

OK, this is another topic that I just thought about. This is probably going to be more of a rant than a discussion. I would like to clarify that I am not gay and nor do I have anything against them, this is just my opinion and you can stop reading if you feel you don't like my views.

Now, I'm not going to profess that I know the bible back to front etc but from what I know of the bible there isn't anything which directly incriminates gays- oh hang on it does say man should not lie with another man as he lies with a woman but that is in the Old Testament. The way I see it everything in the Old Testament, all the 'sins' that humans committed during that time were saved by Jesus Christ when he died on the cross for us. I cannot remember exactly if the man not lying with another man was classified as sin but if it was then to be honest there are a lot of Christian sinners. The Old Testament also says things such as we shouldn't eat pork and women shouldn't go to church whilst on their period, on this basis alone we are all sinners. However, when Jesus came he gave us new commandments as we are saved from all our sins, past, present and future. The commandments we were given and as Christians should live by is "love your lord god with all your heart, all your mind and all your soul" and "love thy neighbour as thyself". The way I see it "loving thy neighbour" includes loving them whether they are gay, straight, black, white etc...

Some Christians would disagree with me because the bible does specifically mention that man is forbidden from lying with another man. However, we mustn't forget that the bible itself has been translated. Perhaps there has been some mistranslation of that particular part of the scripture.

I know a lot of Christians may not particularly agree with my views when it comes to homosexuality but I feel that we shouldn't allow it to affect us so much. If it is really a sin then they are the ones sinning are they not? Another thing I've realised is that sadly a lot of homosexuals aren't actually religious- I'm not sure if my wording is entirely appropriate there but perhaps it might make more sense to say a significant number instead. I feel that a main reason for this is because they are ostracised by the church and those who would like to be religious are not made to feel comfortable by the church. This is wrong because many churches try and make other so called 'ungodly' people such as the homeless, alcoholics and so on welcome so why not the gay people?

As to whether homosexuals can be or should be allowed to be religious I feel is a personal choice. If a person accepts Christ into their life who are we as mere humans to try and ban them from that. Is it not only our lord god who can pass judgement on us? Due to this I feel that if homosexuals want to be religious and therefore want to be part of a church then they should be allowed. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about homosexuals being married in a church but I do know that marriage is a religious sacrament and it is meant to be a union between a man and woman. I have nothing against gay people wanting to get married but on this basis perhaps not in a religious place of worship such as a church.

I'd just like to say I know I've said religious throughout and kept referring back to Christianity but this particular topic is purely my views so they would be Christian views. As always I'd love to hear what you guys think about this.

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