Chapter 1

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It was a sunny morning and you was making breakfast like always. Your life suddenly turned utterly miserable. Ever since your mother left things haven't been going so great. Your father was an alcoholic and he was very bossy and very unpleasant. "I wish she took me with her" you thought, wishing to get away from this misery. You heard loud footsteps walk down the stairs and quickly placed the eggs and bacon onto the plate. "Morning dad" you mumbled and placed the plate on the table. You heard no response but instead a glare from him and sighed. "I ran out of beer, go get some more" he gumbled taking a bite out of the egg. "Alright" you quietly said and grabbed your bag. Before you could leave the house you heard his raspy voice yelling at you. "You better get it quick,or else I'll fucking break your ankles, you hear me!" You heard him shout, you frowned and slowly nodded, twisting the door knob and walking outside. You took a deep breath, smelling the fresh air and sighing heavily. The store wasn't that far but you decided to run there anyway. You saw the little shop and walked inside, to see the shopkeeper which was a big pig with an eyepatch. "morning y/n how can I help ya" the pig said,smiling. "Goodmorning porkrind, can I have um another beer please?" You asked, looking away. He frowned and picked up six bottles of beer and handed it to you. "You okay kid your usually happy?" He said looking down at you.

"Yeah I'm okay, it's just my dad again being moody" you said, placing them in your bag. He nodded slowly and you gave him the money, leaving the store quickly. You saw some toons playing around with a ball and you smiled slightly. "I wish I had friends" you said to yourself and ran back to the house. You walked up to the door and opened it seeing your father, watching tv. "Took ya long enough" he said, glaring at you. "I-I'm sorry, I got the beer" you told him and placed them inside the fridge. "Whatever" you heard him say and frowned, walking up the stairs.

It was 1:00am in the morning and you was curled up in bed, until you heard loud banging downstairs. You sat up and trembled in fear, hoping he wouldn't come up and hurt you again. You had enough of this shit and should've done this ages ago. You sat up and grabbed all of your things placing them in a suitcase and quietly stepped out of your room. You heard shouting and loud banging noises, flinching from the loud noise and quickly but quietly ran over to the door. You was about to grab the handle when you felt a strong grip grab your hand. You gasped in surprised and looked over to see your father with a pissed of look. "Where the hell do you think your going?!" He shouted, harshly pushing you away from the door. You growled and kicked him, making him stumbled back and hit the wall. You ran out of the house and ran as fast as you could hearing him chasing after you. "COME BACK HERE RIGHT NOW, YOU LITTLE BRAT!!" You cried and ran into the woods trying to lose him. You suddenly stopped not hearing him and thought that you had lost him.

You looked around and hadn't noticed that you was lost. And started to get scared. You shivered from how windy if was and rubbed your arms, looking around. You started walking hoping, you could see anything but the long old trees swaying in the breeze. You saw something not to far ahead and stepped closer to see a big kettle which looked like a house. Your body moved closer to the green wooden door, preparing to knock on the door but paused, your anxiety bubbles in you. "Wait what am I supposed to say, what if they don't believe me?" You questioned, stepping back a bit but you had no other choice. You needed help and you didn't wanna go back to your father. So you shakily knocked on the door waiting for a response. You heard footsteps come near the door and heard the door creak open. You looked up to see an an elderly grey kettle with glasses on. "My dear what happened to you?" He asked with a caring voice. "I-I'm sorry to disturb you sir b-but I really need help and I-I have no place to stay at" you stuttering as your legs trembled. "Don't be sorry dear, please come inside and tell me what happened" he said opening the door wider, for you to step inside.

You smiled a bit, walking inside and looked around, until you heard giggling and thudding from upstairs. "Please Take a sit, I'll go grab some plasters for your cuts" he said walking  over to the cabinets. You nodded and sat down onto the table, fiddling with your fingers. You saw him grab small plasters and walked back over to you. "T-thank you" you said grabbing some. "So what happened to you dear, it's fine if you don't feel comfortable telling me" he said giving you a gentle smile. "I-It's problems with my father h-he's an alcoholic and he h-hurts me s-so I ran away and ran into the woods trying to get away from h-hhim. You spoke, trying not to cry infront of him. He frowned and sat down on one of the chairs and looked at you. "That's awful does he know that your here?" He asked. "I-I don't know I hope not" you mumbled. "Well don't you worry because you can stay here as long as you like?" He said smiling. "R-really I don't want to be a burden."

"Nonsense I don't want that man hurting you anymore and I want to help you" you smiled and thanked him. "Thank you so much, my name is y/n by the way what's yours?" You asked, smiling. "Oh how rude of me my names elder kettle it's a pleasure to meet you." The banging and laughter got louder and saw elder kettle grumbling. "W-what was that?" You asked. "Don't worry it's just my boys, I'll be right back." He said and got up,walking up the steps. Who heard him talking to two other people and wondered what they looked like. You saw elder kettle walk back down and smiled at you. "It's really late and I have a spare bedroom that I'm not using, you can have that one if you want." You placed the plasters on the cuts and looked up at him. "Thank you for letting me spend the night here" you spoke. "Not a problem dear, get some good rest the bedroom is the one that has a white door." He said. "Okay goodnight" you said and walked up the stairs, walking to the spare bedroom. "I hope he doesn't know that I'm here" you thought and stepped inside.

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