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Carl-bot pov~~~

I'd stayed up half the night and forgotten to set my alarm to wake up for school. Life is hard sometimes.
I got dressed and didn't bother brushing my non-existent hair or getting breakfast and left my apartment.
I ran to school like Usain bolt muttering random shit under my breath about how I was going to be late. 'gosh Miss Oliv (my friend who wanted to be involved in this story) is going to be so mad at me. I'm probably going to get a detention for it!' I screamed at myself on the inside of my empty head
I ran through the foyer and ran all the way down the corridor even though there was a strict rule of not running in the corridors.
I burst though the door all sweaty and panting.
' YOU'RE FREAKING LATE CARL! YOU GET A DETENTION AFTER SCHOOL FOR THAT!' Miss oliv shouted at the top of her lungs. Her round glasses fell down her nose as she stared at me with a angered expression like when  you catch a murderer committing murder and they try kill you.
I apologised and she calmed down and told me to sit down for sex education with a tired tone of voice.
Great another boring lesson.
I went to sit down at my table while hundreds of eyes stared at me.

'Oml so embarrassing' I thought
I got my books out and started to daydream about random stuff till the bell rang for next class. She dismissed us  and I ran to my next class ,which was maths, before realising I forgot my bag and ran back for it..
At the end of the school day

'  now I have stupid detention 🙄' I muttered to myself
I walked at a slow pace while texting my mother that I'd be home late cause of detention while walking to my detention room
' welcome to detention carl-bot' mx awcade said. Mx awcade was our head teacher and didn't really care about certain students. I was one of the people awcade didn't care about
'Where's miss oliv?' I asked
' she threw up after sex education and had to go home but she asked if I could fill in for her.' mx arcade said  grumpily.
' there should be someone else coming here' awcade announced  tiredly. All the teachers sounded sleep deprived ( like me who's writing this at 1am when I have to get up at 8am)
I wondered who was joining me in detention.
Just then a tall boi with blue skin and a blue sweater entered the room
Mx awcade greeted him before he went to sit down
' aight I'm leaving so don't cause any trouble.' the headteacher said strictly even though they probably wouldn't mind if we did something bad unless we broke something. Then we'd be in a lot of bloody trouble.
'so what's your name?' the blue skinned guy asked
' Carl-bot' I answered ' what about you'
' mee6' he replied
As I got through the detention with mee6 he was actually pretty nice I guess.

Half way through the detention mee6 dragged me by my arm out of the class and into the bathrooms.
' what are we doing here?' I asked confused
'I'm like really horny rn so like can you help or smthing?' he said urgently
I blushed like so hard from that question. I thought for a bit then I nodded.
Mee6 grabbed my waist and pulled me into a kiss full of desperation and passion.
Boy this going to be. Fun

599 words

Get bloody cliffhanger bish.
This is a joke fic so don't take it seriously unless you do
Now I need sleep so  bye bye
Smut is next chapter

carlbot x mee6❤️❤️❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now