"A Different Universe"

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"A Different Universe"

It had to be done. Doctor Strange didn't have a choice. He had to give up the Time Infinity Stone. Little did he know, the consequences would be fatal. As he gave the stone to Thanos his heart was pumping. Tony was looking and Strange in disbelief. He never would have guessed that Strange would give up the TIME stone for his life. Thanos took the stone and put it on his glove. Electricity went through his body as he felt the power come to life.

"Thank you my fellow people.. Just you wait.. This all was for a good cause." Thanos said with an evil smirk. Deep inside, he was guilty though. Gamora, his only daughter... was sacrificed by him to receive the Soul Stone. He let his feelings go though as he went through the teleporter to Vision.

"Why would you do that? You said you would pick the stone if it was up to me or the valuable time stone." Tony said in a worried tone. He knew it was the end. Unless Vision figured out a way to fix it.

"1 win..." Strange said as he sat down on a rock. Vision and Wanda knew they were out of time. Vision knew what he had to do.

"Wanda... it's time.." Wanda looked at him with a doubtful look.

"No. I can't. We can figure out a way. There has to be something else we can do. I'm not doing that!" Vision grabbed Wanda's hand. Their hands touched.

"It's ok... I just feel you." Wanda slipped the hand back and continued to say no. She couldn't lose him. Like she lost Pietro and her parents. She couldn't lose anyone else. She held back her tears and she continuously said no. Thanos appeared. All 5 infinity stones in his glove. He swept beside Wanda with no effort. He grabbed Vision by the neck and dug into the Mind Stone.

Wanda screamed so loud. She couldn't stop it though. Thanos dug into Vision's scalp deeper and deeper. Vision looked at Wanda in despair, yet his last words were,

"I....ju–just feel.. yo–" Thanos took out the Mind Stone and Vision fell to the ground all white. Wanda screamed everything out of her. She was on the ground. She couldn't feel anything. Everything went black for her.

She went to Vision as a teardrop fell down her face. Thanos put the last Infinity Stone on and he could feel everything. Power, strength, he couldn't have anything more. As he was about to snap his finger Thor, Steve, Nat, and Bruce all banded together to fight him off, but there was no use. Thanos chuckled and snapped.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2022 ⏰

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