Chapter one

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I'm gonna start with Alice when she found out she was pregnant then I'm gonna put it to you (Debbie Jones) going to find ur parents.


Hermione:*knocks on the bathroom stall*is everything ok In there alice?

Alice:*flushes toilet then walks out*

Hermione:oh girl- are you pregnant.

Alice:it's probably just a fake positive it happens all the time.

Sierra :*drawing with lipstick on bathroom mirror* only 3% of the time though.

Hermione:shut up sierra.

Sierra:jeez sorry


Debbie:*knocks on the door*

Alice:*answers* hello?

Debbie:is this Alice cooper?

Alice:yes,how can I help you.

Debbie:I'm ur daughter that you put up for adoption 17 years ago Debbie Jones.

Alice:omg Debbie I can't believe this come and give me a hug *hugs her*

Debbie:*hugs back*

Alice:come in and meet your half sister.

Debbie:I have a sister?

Alice: yes this is Betty

Betty:mum who's this

Alice:this is ur half sister Debbie

Betty:how is she my half sister?

Alice:when I was in high school me and jugheads dad fp fooled around and I got pregnant with Debbie. Which also means that Debbie your jugheads half sister aswell.



You guys talk for hours

Debbie:I need to go and find my dad and my other brother now but I'll come back also thanks for letting me stay here *you smile and hug ur mum
Then your sister*

Alice:ok honey see you soon,oh btw for tea tonight it's pasta do you like that?

Debbie:yes I do.

Alice:ok that's good bye now

Betty:bye sis

Debbie: byee

You leave and go to ur dads trailer and knock on the door.

Jughead:*answers door* who are you

Debbie:I'm ur half sister ur dad is my dad


Debbie:17 years ago my mum Alice and ur dad fp fooled around and got Alice pregnant then she had me and gave me up for adoption And now I'm back.

Jughead:wow.. what's ur name

Debbie:my names Debbie what about  you

Jughead:my names jughead but u can just call me jug.

Debbie:ok where's  dad

Jug:at the white whyrm.

Debbie:can you take me there?

Jug:ofc anything for my sis let's go

Jughead takes you to the white whyrm and when u find ur dad you explain everything.

Fp:omg Debbie hi I haven't seen you since u were born, let me get Toni fangs and sweetpea.

He gets then and u all sit down u sit in the middle of fp and sweetpea.

Toni:who's this

Debbie:I'm Debbie Jones I'm fps daughter and Alice coopers daughter *smiles*

Sweetpea looks at u up and down and u both catch eye contact.

Toni noticed and smirks

Sweetpea: I'm sweetpea

Fangs:I'm fangs fogarty

Debbie:hey guys *smiles*

Sweetpeas mind:she's so hot

Debbie:I need the bathroom

You climb over sweetpea.

Fp:I can't believe my daughters here, t
It's just exciting.

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