Liliah saw a bomb inside the box and kicked it away from Strange's hands. It blew up in mid air and the spell was unleashed. Liliah coughed and waved her hand to try and clear the smoky air. She heard MJ scream then saw her falling off the side of the statue. Immediately Peter 1 went after her. Liliah pulled her wand and went to say a spell when the goblin picked her up and threw her to the side. The goblin sped towards Peter 1 and knocked him away just as he was about to catch MJ. Peter 3 jumped and caught her just in time though.

Fred sent a spell that safely floated Ned down from wreckage. The whole statue started to fell off piece by piece. The Captain America shield fell off and into the harbor. Liliah held out her hand and Mjölnir flew to it. She flew down to where MJ, Ned and Fred were.

" Are you all okay? Any scratches? Bruises?" Liliah frantically searched the two teens for injuries.
" Li-were okay promise." MJ told her.
Liliah sighed in relief and hugged them. Fred watched with a fond smile on his face. She was going to make an amazing mom to their two kids.

" MJ! Ned! Liliah!" Peter shouted.
They rushed to the edge of where they were standing. Peter was below them on the shield.
" Hey! Where here! We're okay!" MJ called to him.
" Okay stay there!" Peter told them.

He turned to Norman and started talking to him whilst getting in a battle position. Then they started fighting. Liliah made a move to go down there.
" Liliah wait." Fred grabbed her arm.
" What?" Liliah looked back.
" Maybe you should just let him-" Fred started.
" Let him what? Kill Norman? Possible get himself killed? No. This is not my Peter, this is not my best friend. And if I let him do this, I'll always feel guilty and he will to once he realizes what he has done. I can help him." Liliah told him.

Fred looked over her face and let go of her arm. Liliah turned around and jumped off the ledge and onto the floating shield. However the two Peter's had already beating her to it and were talking to him. Liliah watched Peter lower the glider and she sighed in relief. It didn't last though because the Goblin stabbed Peter 2.

Peter 3 threw Peter 1 the antidote and he stuck it Normans neck. Norman's whole expression changed.
" Peter? What-what have I done?" Norman looked around.
Liliah rushed to them and sat next to the oldest Peter.
" Is there really people in the sky or am I dying?" Peter 2 asked.
" No there's actually people in the sky." Peter 3 told him.

" I-I gotta go." Peter 1 said.
" I'll heal him." Liliah told him.
Peter squeezed her shoulder before swinging off.
" This might feel weird." Liliah told him and pulled out her wand.
" I think I can handle it." He nodded.
Liliah started moving her wand over the wound and whispering a spell.
" Oo oh that's-yeah that's a new feeling." Peter 2 said.

" Holy shit, look." Peter 3 watched as the wound magically healed it self.
" Okay, how does that feel?" Liliah asked pulling her wand away.
" Ah great, thanks Liliah." Peter 2 stood up.
" No biggie, any Peter Parker from any universe has a place in my heart." Liliah smiled and stood.
" Speaking of which." Peter 3 said as Peter 1 walked to them.

" Hey, hey. I need to talk to you but I need to tell them something first." Peter told them.
" I'll be right over here Pete." Liliah ruffled his already messy hair.
She walked a few feet away. A second later she saw the three Peter's hug and she smiled.

Her Peter walked towards her.
" So here's the dilemma. See all these people from different time lines are going to come in unless I do something about it." Peter started.
" I'll help you fix it. We can do whatever to get everything back on track." Liliah told him.
" I know what I need to do-I-Strange is casting a spell that will make everyone forget who Peter Parker is." Peter told her in a broken voice.
" Pete, what are you talking about?" Liliah asked her face dropping.

" To stop this, everyone has to forget who I am. I'm sorry Li-" Peter told her.
" No, no you can't. I-I need to know who you are. I can't-I can't forget you Pete, you're my best friend." Liliah's eyes filled with tears.
" I love you LiLi so-so much. You're my best friend too. The day I met you was the day I became something so much more than a kid from Queens, and that was before I had been bitten by a spider. You are the reason I'm the person I am today. No matter what I could always count on you and for that I'm forever grateful. You are one of if not the most incredible person I've ever known. Thank you for being anything I needed a sister, a friend anytime I needed it. I love you so much Liliah." Peter hugged her.

" I love you so much Pete. My Spidey. You are my best friend and my sunshine." Liliah cried as she hugged him back tightly.
They held each other for moment both wishing that if maybe they held on tight enough they'd never have to let go, that a new would magically be presented to them. However it didn't and they reluctantly pulled away. They looked at each other and had a whole silent conversation just with their eyes.

Peter swung away to find MJ and Ned. Liliah buried her face in her hands and cried heavily. That was till she felt her wand lightly poking her in the side where she had a stuck it. An idea popped into her head. She rushed to the side of the shield.

" Whats going on?" Peter 3 asked.
" I need a bottle-any bottle with a lid." Liliah looked out at the harbor that had trash floating in to see if she could find a bottle.
" Oh look here." Peter 2 reached out and grabbed an empty Dasani water bottle.
" Thank you so much." Liliah took it from him and took of the lid.
She took out her wand and put it to her head. She started pulling out any memory that had to do with Peter Parker and placed them into the bottle.

Just as she placed the last memory in the bottle the spell was being casted. Liliah twisted the cap back on tightly. She looked at the other Peter's and smiled as they disappeared. Liliah held the plastic bottle closely to her chest and closed her eyes.


                            5 months later

Peter Parker walked into his apartment after a long day at work. He had gotten a job at the Daily Bugle as a photographer. It was a normal day, he would change and go out and do he's Spider-Man duties as usual. However when he opened the door someone was sitting on his bed.

" You are a difficult person to track down these days Pete." The person said.
" Liliah?" Peter said.
" Hey Spidey." Liliah stood up and smiled.

Liliah Rogers Where stories live. Discover now