a certain hunger

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eren was hungry.

starving was probably a better descriptor. 

he couldn't remember feeling this way ever in his life. he'd experienced desire, craving, but this was something else entirely. it was a carnivorous need. he needed to touch. to feel. to taste

and he needed it now, was desperate for it. desperate for you.

he could feel his slacks tightening just at the thought of you, the blood rushing through your veins. the gentle upturn of your soft lips whenever you saw him. the warmth of your skin rubbing against his, blood swelling to the surface and painting you in a soft pink blush.

he was the one that made you that way. no one else. never anyone else. he would kill them.

just the thought of someone else touching you, claiming you made anger rush to the forefront of his mind. he knew he wasn't thinking clearly but he couldn't help it. 

he pushes away from the alley wall- how had he gotten here? he couldn't remember. in fact, the last thing he remembers is pounding heavy music, dark crimson light washing across a room. he remembers thinking that it made the walls look as if they were painted in blood.


he wanted blood. 

he stumbles out of the alley way. it's nighttime. the people on the street are dressed for humid basements and mindless sex. eren keeps his eyes trained to the ground, ignoring the voice screaming at him to grab, hurt, bite. he needed to find you. 

his head feels like it's pounding as he tries to remember. his thoughts are moving slow.

he thinks that you were there with him, no he knows that you were there with him. he remembers yelling. he remembers the familiar curve of your body grinding against his own and has to stifle a groan. god how he wanted to feel you, to smell your familiar scent. he'd never wanted anything more in his life.

he walks faster, pushing past stumbling drunk passerby. his brain is on fire with a carnal need. in the distance he can hear the thumping of music mixed with the soft rumble of conversation. he feels himself gravitating to the source, sin beckoning him with the promise of fulfillment.

his senses felt heightened. he could hear the smallest shift of clothing, could practically taste the lust diffuse in the air, clouding the thoughts of the people around him. there were others like him here- but what was he? something had changed in him, but he couldn't pinpoint what.

the air is thick with the mingled breaths of people dancing, packed so tightly together than it was hard to distinguish one body from the next. he pushed his way through, brushing away the countless hands pulling him in, the bodies rutting against him. he was disgusted by them. he wanted you.

he can hear his heart beating, pulse rushing through his ears as he tries to focus, tries to find you, to sense you.

his head snaps up as he hears a muffled shout. he knew that voice. 

with a speed he didn't know he possessed, eren reaches you. 

the room he finds himself in is dimly lit, some kind of backroom with nothing but storage boxes and a ratty sofa pushed haphazardly into the corner. 

your back is roughly pushed against the wall as a man hunches over you, face in your throat. there's a hand covering your mouth with a bruising grip. when he meets your eyes- god your eyes- he sees tears, your mascara dripping down your cheeks. you look afraid.

𝐀 𝐂𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑 [𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘯 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳]Where stories live. Discover now