Revenge plan

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Ceylin left the courtroom with a feeling of happiness and satisfaction after another successful case. The emotions were intensified by the fact, that the opposition side was represented by Cüneyt on behalf of the Tilmen law company. Recently due to the Engin case she had neglected her job, so now she has promised herself to work even harder to rebuild her reputation.

„Ceylin, can we talk privately for a moment?" Cüneyt called after her, rushing to catch up with her. The surprised lawyer just nodded her head. She didn't know about what her ex-boyfriend wanted to talk, but his expression was serious. "Maybe it has something to do with Yekta?" she thought.

„Of course. Come on, let's find a quiet place." The corridor was filled with a cacophony of sounds and it was not a good condition for a serious conversation. Her client's family was really excited about the case that they won, and they were expressing it quite loudly.

They walked through the corridors of the courthouse and Ceylin subconsciously led them into the corridor where Ilgaz's office was located.

„Okay, what do you want to talk about?" She asked, getting straight to the point. She did not want to waste much time, in two days she had a very important case and she wanted to prepare well for it.

„About us." Ceylin just raised one eyebrow, not knowing what the man could mean. „I know that you still have feelings for me, I saw the way you were looking at me at the trial. Maybe we'll give ourselves one more chance, huh baby?" The man raised his hand to brush a strand of her hair behind her ear, but Ceylin recovered from the initial shock and she shoved his hand away from her face.

„Cüneyt what are you talking about !? There is no us!" She made a motion with her hand pointing to herself and the man. „There is NOTHING between us and there will never be." The mere thought of dating Cüneyt or any other man repulsed her. Recently she had come to terms with the fact that one very annoying prosecutor had found his way into her heart and apparently he had no intention of leaving it. Unfortunately, the intensity of her feelings, the situation with Engin and many other things complicated the already difficult situation so Ceylin started doing what she always did in difficult situations - she started to run away from her feelings, dreams and desires. - Besides, I don't know if you've heard, but I recently got married.

„Ceylin please, really?. Everyone knows that this marriage is fake. You only say that to make me jealous because it turns you on. There is no one here, you don't have to pretend to be a perfect wife. Stop pretending that you're not interested and admit that you can't resist me." With that, he placed his hands on her hips.

Ceylin was really pissed off. She pushed Cüneyt away and she was about to yell at him when the door to the prosecutor's office opened and Ilgaz stepped out into the corridor.

„Ceylin? What's wrong? Something happened?" Ilgaz asked alarmed by the screams, but as soon as he saw her ex-boyfriend standing next to her, his eyes suddenly darkened.

Ceylin unexpectedly came up with a brilliant idea how to convince the idiot in front of her she had absolutly no romantic feelings towards him. Without thinking she put the plan into motion.

„I'll show you fake. Tell me, is this what a lie looks like?"

The determined woman approached Ilgaz then grabbed his green tie, pulled him to her and kissed him passionately. All her thoughts about Cüneyt and her plan evaporated from her mind the moment Ilgaz responded with equal passion to her kiss. His hands went to her waist and lower back, while she tangled her fingers in his hair, drawing the prosecutor even closer to her and they deepened the kiss. They did not know how long they kept kissing so eagerly, they broke away from each other only when they both ran out of breath. Even then, they did not pull away from each other, but leaned their foreheads, looking deep into each other's eyes. Identical, enormous smiles were visible on their faces and there were sparkles dancing in their eyes.

„Not that I didn't like the surprise, but why such a greeting?" Asked Ilgaz as soon as his breathing calmed down enough that he was able to speak.

„Some idiot tried to convince me that I love him, so I decided to show him what a real feelings looks like." Ceylin was suddenly embarrassed by what she said and looked down. She was already starting to move away from the prosecutor when she felt that Ilgaz gently put his fingers under her chin and turned her head so that she looked into his brown eyes again.

„I love you too." Ilgaz said softly, smiling cheekily. Ceylin smiled as well and unable to help herself, her gaze went to Ilgaz's lips.

„Then I need evidence, sayın savcım."

„I will deliver them with great pleasure, avukat hanım." Ilgaz muttered millimeters from her lips. Just as they were about to lose themselves in another kiss, the door at the end of the corridor opened and several people came out of the room. They moved away from each other suddenly aware of the place where they were.

„Come with me." Ilgaz said hurriedly. He took Ceylin's hand and guided them towards his office.

As soon as he closed the door behind them and turned the key in the lock, he leaned Ceylin against the door, trapping her between it and his arms.

„You won't get away from me this time, Ceylin." He said sensually, taking Ceylin's breath away with the timbre of his voice and his closeness.

„I have no intention of doing that, Ilgaz." She replied honestly.

„Good." He murmured against her lips and then kissed her, trying to convey in his kiss all his love and desire for the women and his hope for a better future.

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