Chapter 2

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I walked off the train with Blaise I didn't see Hermione anywhere so she was probably already far ahead of me. I walked all the way to the great hall in my own thoughts. I sat down at the Slytherin table between Daphne Greengrass and Tracey Davis, they looked at me, and nodded "hi" the voice was Daphne's, "Hi" I just said quietly. The sorting Ceremony started, and it was just the usual deal, I think we got 3 boys and, 1 girl this year. Albus stood up "Before we start this semester, I wold like to say a few words" He always said this "Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak" he spoke very clearly. I saw the new students looking at us very confused. He snapped his fingers and the grand feast appeared on the tables, now they looked amazed. This, also the last part of welcoming was so overdone that I wanted to puke, it was also the loudest part, everyone shouted just so they could hear each other,  but the griffyndor table made so much noise that they could be in here alone and I still wouldn't be able to hear my own thoughts.


I was prefect this year with Draco so we had to Show the new Slytherins to the common room. I took a deep breath "QUIET!" They all looked at at me in silence, "Here is the entry to our common room, the password is 'Mandrake Sceams'." They started talking again, "SHUT UP AND LISTEN" Draco yelled. They looked at him with fear in their eyes, "the password is important, so remember it, does anyone remember what the password is?" The only girl raised her hand eagerly. Draco asked "yes?". She answered "Sir Malfoy, the answer is mandrake screams" he probably liked that title because he replied with a little smile "Yes that is correct"


Draco and I sat on the wooden bench in the courtyard. "That girl we got is like a miniature Hermione, so fcking worthless" Draco said in despise. "yea totally, I hate her" I laughed even tho it wasn't completely true, lately she had been a little less annoying. Probably because she was too busy with being a prefect with Ron. "Don't you feel like the whole world is against you sometimes" he said while looking deep into my eyes. "I don't know" I shrugged. His little finger stoked mine "do you ever wish for someone to be with you?" .  "Well I guess so" I kinda hesitated to answer bc that question, he moved a little closer. "Do you ever miss the warmth of love?" He moved even closer and almost whispered "because I do" he grabbed me softly around my waist, and pulled me all the way to his torso... and then
He leaned in and placed a kiss on my lips. I looked at him confused "Draco what the fck are you doing?!"  I just got up and walked away hurriedly. "No Pansy, Wait!!" I just kept walking until I got to the library where he wouldn't find me.


I took a seat in the charms classroom, professor Flitwick would arrive any moment now. Draco came in looking a little around before he sat beside me "isn't there any other seats Malfoy?" I asked Draco. Just as he were about to get up Professor Flitwick entered. "Hello, hello, hello students, today we will be continuing our current work with proper pronunciation, so partner up with the person sitting next to you" he continued babbling on, so I didn't really care to listen, but the Draco slipped me a note "I'm sorry" it said, I just threw it on the ground.

Why did men always think that they could get anything they wanted?

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