Chapter 2

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Mount Justice,
July 16th, 2036 16:30 EST

In the briefing area of the cave, stand Aquaman, Nightwing, The Flash, Impulse, Red Robin, Superboy, and Wondergirl. Batman is on a hologram giving the debrief of their next mission.

"About nine months ago there was a meteorite crash in a construction site inside Gotham. The area of impact was clear but there was small pieces of Kryptonite. I and the others have been checking all of Gotham to see if we could find smugglers who may have taken the kryptonite meteorite and sold it on the black market but so far there is no luck. I hacked into the security camera from across the crash zone and there seems to be tampering, as you see the meteorite crashed startling this young scientist."

Another hologram plays the events that went down with doctor Sauve before suddenly cutting to the meteorite and Sauve gone. The timestamp is two hours later.

"After looking more deeply at the footage and digging into the presumably abandoned building, I have discovered that the building is a front for CADMUS. Your mission is Recon only. Get in, find what they stole, get out and report it to the league. Any questions?"

"Why are we doing this isn't Gotham a no meta zone?" The Flash asks. 

"Because you seven have the most experience and most luck with CADMUS missions."

"If you count finding a clone every time we break into CADMUS luck then ya I'd say we're pretty lucky." Connor (Superboy) mutters Red Robin elbows him to pay attention.

"Uh ya I have a question, what are we supposed to be looking for? Are we supposed to find the meteorite and grab A GIANT meteorite discreetly or are we supposed to take whatever weapon they're making with the mentor? Or-" Wonder Girl puts and hands over Impulse's mouth cutting off blur's increasingly fast string of questions.

"I'm with Impulse, what exactly are we supposed to take? Kon can't exactly lift a kryptonite meteorite because it's you know Kryptonite."

"You just need to grab any weapons they have created, not the kryptonite ." Batman answers. "Any more questions?" After a beat of silence, he continues "Good there's more, nine months ago CADMUS sent out the assassins known as ghosts to attack me." The screens show him fighting the phantasm who shoots a bullet at his neck which he dodges but it somehow manages to  cut the Kevlar suit near the shoulder. They pin Batman down sticking a needle in pulling a good amount of blood."I was only able to track the villain for a few weeks before having to go on the Justice League 6 month away mission."Batman explains

"Where in which he broke his leg, and was put on no-bat work, house arrest by Alfred," Nightwing explains, the team has to stop themselves from chuckling at the thought of the big bad bat getting grounded.

"When I was able to get back to work I traced the assassin back to CADMUS, knowing CADMAS's history there is a possibility that they made a clone with my blood."

Connor scowled  slightly but remained calm. Tim puts a comforting hand on his husband's shoulder.

" Alpha team will consist of; Aquaman, Nightwing, and The Flash. Your job is to find the kryptonite weapons. Beta will consist of; Red Robin, Superboy, Wondergirl, and Impulse. Your job is to figure out what CADMUS has done with my blood. And if they made a clone, save them please."

July 16th, 2036 17:00 EST

Seven figures land on the rebars of the in-progress building around the CADMUS site. As what looks like to be the last scientist leaves the parking lot below. They wait two more minutes before Aquaman nods at the two-night birds. They grapple off landing on the ledge next to a window.

Book1: Future Beyond; justice league: prologueWhere stories live. Discover now