What was it like? (First go!)

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(((---Since this was such a hit, and it was highly requested to turn into a full fic, I am here to fulfill that thing you want---)))

He laid his head in my lap as we watched our faveorite sit-coms. I stroked his soft, blonde hair, which he didn't bother to put any styling products into today. "Tony?" his soft voice mumbled.

"Hm?" I said.

"What was it like?" he said turning his body so he could face me.

"Whadda you mean, Capcicle?" I said peering into his eyes.

"You told me you were abducted by Arabs a few years back... what was it like..." he asked with a twinge of desperation in his voice.

"Bad. I had been blown up, only to awaken in a cave with a stranger who had preformed surgery on me. But, without that man, I wouldn't be here. And I was lucky to have the right parts for a temporary reactor. It was... scary... I was scared. And to find out my coleague was the one who was behind it all... "

"You don't have to keep going..." He actually sounded scared.

"I love you..." I said calmly.

"What?" He said confused, tears welling up into his eyes.

"I love you, granny." I said with a half smile.

"Tony! I'm turning 24 soon!" He pouted his lip and crossed his arms.

"That's what you gathered from that?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Come 'ere." He propped himself up onto an elbow and put his other hand on the back of my neck, gently pulling me into a kiss. It was a small kiss, but a kiss, none the less.

He rested his forhead against mine and whispered, "I love you, too."

**~~((AND SCENNNNNNE))~~**

((NOT DONE)) Stony One Shot Comp by Pasterial hi thxTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang