Chapter 2

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8:25pm and I was already there waiting for my man child idol. He walked in a few minutes later and my oh my he looked very formal with his small jet black tuxedo showing his belly button. The suit had buffalo wing sauce on the shoulder of it but I didn’t question him about it. “You look dashing” he ran his fingers through his No.#1 pencil hair “I know”. “Why don’t you take a seat?” There was a chair right across from mine. As he began to walk on over he tripped and began to sob, everyone was looking down at him shocked then their eyes looked over at me. A sudden rush of embarrassment went all throughout my body but I brushed it off and helped Nik up. Nik leaned on a table for support since he was out of breath so we decided to sit at the table he was already at since it's easier. Everyone stopped looking at us and continued with their own convos. 

The waiter came over asking what beverages we would like. I didn’t know what to get so I asked for some recommendations. The waiter named all these weirdly named drinks and brews, so I asked for a glass of water. Nik on the other hand did not care much for the soft beverage and was ready to order. Since Nik was my main priority I didn't really care  to order anything as long as he was happy. Nik began to order about half the things on the menu. What can I say? He's a foodie, but I soon began to worry about my savings but none of that mattered because I was with my idol as we speak! Anyway the waiter came back with a whole group of other servers alongside many plates of food. Nik grinned widely, getting a whiff of every delicious item. They set down the food and Nik started to chow down everything. He didn’t ask me if I wanted a bite of his food, but I don’t mind if he did ask or not. Just to have him here with me is a blessing. 

 While chewing he spoke “This is really nice for you to bring me here uh, umm...” he spat some food on my clothes though I wiped it off with a napkin and acted like it never happened. “Y/N my name is Y/N” he looked up “Ah! Y/N I knew it! You’re such a nice person. I don't think I've ever met someone as nice as you in a while” I began blushing from such a sweet compliment. “I always knew you were such a nice guy Nik, whenever I watched your videos you always seemed so upset and angry but I knew off screen that you just want someone to listen to all of your problems” Nik stopped eating for a second and looked up at me. I gulped in fear that I said something wrong. An awkward silence fell between us until the waiter came by and asked us if we were fine and needed anything.Nik shook his head and continued to eat. I went to the bathroom.

15 minutes later Nik was stuffed (*in a winnie the pooh voice* with fluff) to be honest I wonder why he orders a lot of food and only eats a portion of it. Nik burped without saying excuse me. “I’ll save the rest for Orlin, might give it to him four days later” He licked his fingers and I stared in delight. Suddenly our eyes aligned and my pulse fastened, it was like we were in a dark void with bright shooting stars around us. I blushed and got closer to him by climbing the table. He had crumbs on his lips, but I didn’t care...I was ready. I closed my eyes and puckered my lips.  Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars? I can really use a wish right-

“Here’s those to-go plates you asked for sir!” I was back to reality on the table with a million eyes peeping at me. I crawled back into my seat. Nik grabbed the to-go plates and thanked him. I watched as he got up, “well uh thanks for bringing me here, Y/N..?” I nodded kind of disappointed he forgot my name in less than a few minutes, but at least I got to spend time with him. He smiled and waddled out with his to-go plates in a bag in one hand. I bless the floor he walks on, I’m so jealous omg. I wish he would step on me like that. 

 I stayed there frozen in my seat blushing,,,did he just smile at me?? “Uhm, your err bill.”, a waitress placed down the small folder with the bill inside in front of me. I opened it...soon then my soul left my body, there goes my life insurance. Anything for my crying- oh I mean the crying man child. I paid it and left the building. 

A Hungry desire  (Nikocado X Male!reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora