"Okay, so the whole island's looking for John B right now." Said Pope, continuing to look out the window.

"That's a lot of money." Kiara replied panicked.

"Congratulations John B. You're famous." JJ said sarcastically.

Kiara ignored the previous comment. "Guys, we got to get the HMS. We need small, no running lights–"

John B cut her off. "It's at the Château, Kie."

"And, I wonder if the cops got the entire place staked out. Let me think. Oh, yeah. No. They definitely have that place locked down."

"Have you ever thought about even just going to the cops? You look guilty by continuing to run, John B. Plus you have Sarah as a witness, she'll have your back." Laura said, causing them all to get quiet.

JJ looked down at her. "Ward has the money. John B isn't getting out innocent."

"He's not getting out innocent either way." Laura looks at John B. "You know I'm right, JB."

"I... I don't know, LB."

Pope sighs, hitting his hands against the steering wheel. "Why is nobody moving forward? What is going on here?"

"Can you relax?" Kiara asked, frustrated. "JJ, how much weed did you give him?"

"Your car's on the poster." John B pointed out. Laura looked over his shoulder, getting a good look at the poster.

Pope started honking the horn, catching the attention of not only the people in the car, but random people walking by as well. Laura dipped her head down, snatching the paper from John B.

"Shouldn't you be the one sitting on the floor, not me?" Laura asked sarcastically. John B gave a fake cold look.

"Pope, that's not gonna help!" Kiara yelled at him.

The two in the front caught their eye on something, and Laura followed. There was a blonde boy in a pink polo shirt pointing towards their car.

"We got a snitch. Pope, turn the car on." JJ asked frantically, eyes sticking to the boy.

A random guy came over and started pounding on the window by John B, yelling about how he was there.

"God dammit." Laura stood up hunched over, before pushing John B. "Get up and lay on the floor instead. Pope, we have to go!"

John B knew not to argue, so he followed instruction while Pope was struggling to get out of the parking space they were in. He hit the car in front of them, causing Laura to bang her head into the window since she wasn't seated.

"Ow! Dude, is it this difficult to get out of a parking space? Seriously!" Laura yelled, finally sitting down and putting the seat back into its normal position.

"It's okay! Pope, just go!" JJ yelled.

Pope finally managed to get out of the space, speeding past everybody in their way. Laura looked back at the cop, seeing she was talking to someone over her intercom. She looked back at JJ, seeing his panicked look as well.

Kiara started yelling 'Watch out!" continuously. Laura turned to head to see Pope headed straight for a mailbox, and hitting it straight on. Pope started laughing while the others were incredibly stressed out.

"What the fuck?" Kiara yelled.

"I'm living my best life now! Oh, my God."

JJ leaned forward, "I should be the last person to say this, but you are not okay to drive, dude. Stop!"

Pope slammed on the brakes, causing everyone to jolt forward, and then right back into their seats. He turned around, "John B, get out."

"He's right. We'll draw the cops. You run. I'll get the rig and I'll meet you in the dump tomorrow, okay? Three o'clock, okay?"

John B climbed over Laura, before jumping out of the car and started running for the woods. She watched him with a sad look as Pope started driving off again.

JJ grabbed Laura's hand and squeezed it, giving her a crooked smile. "He'll be fine. He's John B Routledge."

Later that evening, they were still driving around the Outer Banks. JJ and Pope were higher than a kite right now, while Kiara was completely sober. Laura had taken a few hits, but not enough to be at the level of the boys. She only did it because of how anxious she was.

Hip-hop was playing on the stereo, annoying the two girls in the car. JJ leaned against the car window, facing the others. "Pope, you clocked that car, man. Like, that was so bad." He laughed.

"I'm just glad I'm not driving now." Pope said, looking back at the blonde boy. The two boys laughed.

"Pull over." Kiara yelled, so Pope listened. "JJ, it's not funny. He shouldn't be driving."

"Mama's mad."

Kiara got out of the car, walking around to the driver's seat, seeing Pope climbing over to the passenger. Laura looked at him frustrated, before looking out the window once Kiara got in the car.

"Where are we going?" JJ asked, acting like a five-year-old on his first road trip.

"The last place they're gonna look."

After a short amount of time, Kiara pulled up to the Cameron's house, right by their fence. Kiara got out, and Laura followed, as did Pope.

"You sure this is a good idea?" Said JJ through the rolled down window.

Kiara sighed, "She's the only one who can clear John B."

"Last place they'll look cause of how stupid it is." JJ said, finally falling back into his seat.

The three climbed over the fence, finally seeing the large white house holding the person they were looking for.

"I'm going inside. I'll play it dumb, pretend I haven't seen John B. I technically live here." Laura said, clearly unsure.

"You don't have to." Kiara said, resting a hand on her shoulder.

"But I should. I'll be safe, promise." The two girls nodded to each other, and then went their separate ways for the time being.

Laura walked up to the house as her nerves finally kicked in, but knew she needed to go through with the plan. She opened up the door and walked to the kitchen, finding Ward and Rose standing there, while Rafe sat at the counter.

She smiled at them, going over to the fridge and grabbed a water. Ward turned to look at her confused, while Rafe had a panicked look. "What are you doing here, Laura?"

Laura returned the look Ward gave her, "I live here. Have you seen John B? Last I saw him was yesterday morning."

Rafe let out an exhale, while Ward dropped the confused look. "No. Hasn't been home since yesterday morning. I'll let you know if I see him."


Once Laura rounded the corner, she ran up the stairs and immediately to Sarah's room. She went to open the door, but it was locked. "Sarah?"

"LB?" She heard Sarah from inside. "I'm locked in. My dad has the key."

"Shit. Okay. Kiara should be coming up to the window. Uh, I'm gonna go pack my stuff." Laura said, putting a hand on the door.

Sarah sighed, "Shit. Kie's here."

Laura sighed as well, but then walked to her bedroom, leaving the two girls to talk.

PARADISE ON EARTH | jj maybank (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now