Natsha and Clint's arguements

Start from the beginning

(Natasha's pov)

I was in the training room trying to find Clint when an arrow whizzed past my ear. It stuck in the wall beside me and I heard a shuffling sound above me as I went to get it. It was definitely one of Clint's arrows, but I don't know how he fired it, considering how little space he had. No one could throw it so perfectly from hand, could they? Maybe I'm wrong.

I unfolded the note and read what Clint had wrote:

Hey Nat
I know you're looking for me and all but I had to say that your not doing a very good job of it
Now, how do I say this???
I lost my hearing aids
Like, a week and a half ago
So, I'm not ignoring you, I do want to talk to you, but I don't always know what you're saying, or anyone else
That's why I've been so zoned out recently, I can tell you've noticed
And that's also why I've being going against the directions given to me in my earpiece because, well, I don't get them
Anyway, please don't bother wasting your time with helping me, I just don't want you to kill me when you find me :)
Alright, imma run now
C ya Nat

Ohhhhhh, that explains so much!

I feel like such a bad friend, like, why didn't I notice? I'm supposed to be Clint's best friend and I didn't even notice when he couldn't hear me. Or anything, for that matter.

It must have been so hard for him to.keep up with what's been going on, and JARVIS wouldn't have been any good to him, so that's a lot of luxuries about the tower put to no use for him. I wish I could of helped. Oh, Clint, why couldn't you have come to me sooner? I could have helped you find them, or got Stark to make you some more, or just signed rather than assume you were ignoring me.

I will just have to do that from now on.


The next time I saw Clint was the next morning. He was sitting on a bar stool at the island in the kitchen eating a Nutella covered slice of toast. It was about half past seven, which is weird because Clint doesn't usually wake up until eight. I walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. He jumped and then turned to face me.

'Hey, sorry I didn't notice that you couldn't hear,' I signed and he immediately relaxed. 'I feel like a bad friend.'

'You're not a bad friend,' Clint signed back, 'You're just sometimes oblivious to the things you think will never change. It's fine. I just wish you'd given me a chance to explain why I wasn't answering me.'

'Shit, sorry again,' I told him, 'And its kind of fun to sign. We should do it just to annoy the others.'

'Yes, we should,' Clint grinned, 'Especially Tony. He hates it.'

'Yeah, ok, we should sign when we have the movie night later today,' I signed, 'Its at eight, right?'

'Right, we have three hours,' Clint yawned and climbed back into the vent that he came out of. 'See you later.'

I waved and Clint disappeared. I'm glad I don't feel like such a shit friend any more. I'm also glad he doesn't think I was doing it to be mean. I should really look into getting him some new hearing aids, though. And maybe ask Tony to build some that won't break so easily. No, I should let Clint tell Tony and the rest of the team when he's ready; I won't do it for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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