Epilogue: The Wedding

Start from the beginning


"Where are you going?" Jay asked as Syaoran suddenly stood from his seat and walked towards the door.

"I'll head over to Tomoyo's house. I know Sakura's still there. If I pick her up, I'm sure we can avoid her getting late."

"Or you'll end up just as late as her when you get back!" Takashi called out with a shake of his head just before the door closed shut behind him. "What is Sakura doing anyway?"

All the men inside the groom shrugged their shoulders at this.

"Sakura's been a nervous wreck all this time though," Eriol pointed out.

"I don't see why," Aki said with a questioning look. "I mean, all she has to do is walk down the aisle and hand over the ring."


"Where the hell is Sakura?" Rika whispered back to Naoko who was behind her.

Naoko shrugged her shoulders and whispered back to Chiharu and asked the same question.

Chiharu shook her head before turning to Mei Lin who was behind her, and she also shook her head.

Mei Lin looked at Tomoyo and she also shook her head looking worried now.

They were already lined up behind where the guests were seated, ready to walk down the aisle, and one crucial person was missing.

Rika squinted her eyes at the altar. Their respective partners were all ready lined up except Syaoran, who was nowhere in sight either. Looking back at the girls behind her, she sent them all a worried look. "Syaoran's not there either!" she hissed.


Kicking down the stand, Syaoran removed his helmet and placed it on his bike before jogging his way into the mansion.

"Sakura!" he called out into the seemingly empty house, just before a large bang sounded from up the stairs.

"Mr. Li? What are you doing here?"

Syaoran turned to one of the Daidouji's helpers. "Where's Sakura?" he asked impatiently.

"She's upstairs getting ready. Her gown got torn when she was changing earlier and it had to be fixed but Ms. Daidouji had already left for the wedding, one of the other maids is up their trying to fix it," she responded with a bow.

"Syaoran! What are you doing here?"

He turned towards the sound of the female voice, knowing full well who it was.

"Sakura, you…" Syaoran trailed off as the angel-like creature made her way down the stairs towards him.

She looked absolutely breathtaking. Her hair was up in twists into an elegant bun and her gown that was made of white chiffon that covered around her breasts without a strap and ran down in stylish diagonal designs with a lot of lavender accents and floral designs sewn all over it, covering almost the entire bodice in the light purple color. The entire flowing gown fell towards the ground, covering her legs down to her heels. What made the gown incredible on her was its fit around her curvaceous body.

If they didn't have a wedding to attend to, Syaoran would surely skip the whole event and take her upstairs and undress her right then and there.

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