Chapter 32: Plans Backfire

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"We never have power surges, that's very unlikely"

"Well, it is since we just had one…someone must've used too much power"


"Shit Tomoyo, what are we going to tell the guys?"

Tomoyo took out her phone and opened it, lighting up the screen and providing a bit of light in the room.

"Umm…how about we tell them we used a dozen hair dryers at the same time to dry out our hair but then it caused the power surge"

Sakura gave her a 'do-you-seriously-think-they'd-fall-for-that' look.

"I can't think of anything else!"

The two girls sighed.

"Well, we might as well go face them now…maybe they won't suspect it was us. Just act dumb"


"Syaoran?" Sakura called out as she entered the dining hall. All the curtains of the windows in the mansion were drawn up so the rooms were still filled with light.

"Right here" his voice came as he and Eriol just entered through another entrance, both having a thoughtful look on their face.

"So, do you guys have an idea as to what happened?" Tomoyo started.

"Yeah, what happened to the power?" Sakura added.

"We were gonna ask you the same thing" Syaoran said, looking directly at Sakura.

"Yeah, we have no idea what happened either"

"I do" said a new voice.

They all turned and saw Mei Lin, her hair still wet.

"Sorry it was my fault" she said, looking guilty. I was gonna use my hair dryer but all the electrical sockets in my bathroom weren't working, so I went down to the power room and tried to fix it. A few levers weren't activated so I turned it on, it was going fine at first then when I turned to leave, the water from my hair kinda…err…well, you know what happened next"

'Thank you Mei Lin!' Sakura and Tomoyo shouted in their heads as they gave off a sigh.

"Mei Lin, you should've asked someone to fix it rather than doing it on your own" Eriol pointed out.

She merely shrugged.

"Well, we better call in people to fix this pronto" he muttered before leaving the room wither and Tomoyo.

Sakura looked over at Syaoran.

He was still staring at her.

She inwardly gulped before walking over to him.

"What's wrong?" she asked him softly.

He merely continued to look into her eyes intently before he gave a small smile and kissed her forehead.

"Nothing, c'mon let's go"


By 5 in the afternoon that day, the power was back on. Problem is, the girls can't enhance the satellite anymore. For one thing, it was late to do anything for the night was drawing near. Second, they didn't want to cause another power surge…and third, they spent as much time with the guys since they didn't know what would happen after this fight…and they might get suspicious.

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