Chapter 30: Party Crashers

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"At least we know they're coming back home now" Chiharu said with a sigh, and indeed they heard the distant rumbling of motorcycle engines outside.

3 more days…


No one would believe that these girls ever got into a fight the other day because they acted as if nothing had happened. It had only taken 2 days for them to heal from all the pain completely; for the guys in the household, they were amazed at their spunk.

There were still marks left from their cuts and bruises but they acted as if it wasn't there. They all wanted to train again, as much as they wanted to go after the Kins but they weren't allowed by the guys to do either.

So here they were, doing nothing but lay around the house. They had 2 days left and all they've done is lie around and do nothing and how they badly wanna go out and do something…anything.

"We're going and you can't stop us. Even if we have to sneak out and follow you just so we can tag a long" Mei Lin said flatly.

It was after dinner and she and the other girls forbid the guys to leaving them in the house while they go out and have fun.

The guys all stared at the girls, waiting for them to back out and suggest they just stay in the house…but everything was quiet.

The girls were indeed getting more stubborn as time goes by.


"Now this is much better!" Mei Lin shouted as they parked across the street from the club.

The girls all shouted in agreement before they made their across the street, leaving the guys to trail behind them.

"Why did we agree to this again?" Aki muttered, following the girls while looking around for anyone suspicious.

The guys shrugged and entered as the bouncer opened up the rails without a second thought.

Loud music entered their ears as they entered into the darkness with different colored lights fell on them from time to time.

"We'll just be around upstairs" Syaoran informed to the girls before they bounded to the dance floor as he and the other guys went up the stairs to their private area above them where they could see them clearly from the side.

"C'mon!" Tomoyo shouted above the music, pulling them to the center of the dance floor.

Just when they got there the song ended and a new one came up, an oh-so-familiar one that the girls could only grin at each other as it went along.

It's funny how a man only thinks about the BEEP

You got a real big heart, but I'm lookin' at ya BEEP

You got a real big brains, but I'm lookin' at ya BEEP

Girl it ain't no pain, let me lookin' at ya BEEP

I don't give a BEEP

Keep lookin' at my BEEP

'Cos it don't mean a thing if you lookin' at my BEEP (Hah)

I'm a do my thing, while you playin' with ya BEEP

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