Chapter 28: Girls vs Guys

Start from the beginning

"We're attacking first?" she asked with a raised brow, making him nod.

"Sort of…you'll see" he said, grinning like a mad man.


"Syaoran" a voice said, making him immediately open his eyes.

"Huh?" he responded, sitting up straight from the couch only to see Jay kneeling beside him with Mei Lin standing with her hands on her hips.

"What are you guys doing here? Isn't Aki and Rika supposed to be here and supposed to come tomorrow morning?" he asked, putting his palm over his face to wake up fully.

"We came here instead of them, and it is tomorrow morning already" said Mei Lin before she looked thoughtful. "Or it is already today's morning…or, whatever! But it is already morning" she said with a sigh, sitting beside him and throwing a folded newspaper on his lap.

Syaoran looked at the two curiously before unfolding it.

Last remaining member of the Kinomoto family, dead

Reading the headline and seeing Sakura's picture below it, Syaoran immediately stood up and looked over at Sakura's bed. Just as he saw her still lying in the same position as before, Jay blocked his view as he stood up in front of him.

"Calm down" he said, motioning for him to sit back down, and he did.

"Geez, I never thought I'd ever see you this uptight" Mei Lin muttered under her breath but Syaoran heard her. He glared at her as he sat back down.

"What's this about then?" he asked.

"My idea" Jay spoke up. "I figured if the Kins thought Sakura was dead, we better confirm it to them. Besides, them knowing Sakura is dead will surely take a load off us knowing they won't come here and make sure she really was dead"

Syaoran sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

"Good thinking" he said as he made his way to the bed.

"And…" Mei Lin continued as she and Jay made their way towards Syaoran. "We need you to get back on track"

Syaoran looked at her with a raised brow and a sort of glare.

"Oh please Xiao Lang, don't give me that look" she replied, waving it off. "You know what I mean. You're becoming a wreck because of Sakura. She wouldn't have wanted you to wait on her and do nothing when you should be thinking about getting the Kins once and for all"

For God knows how many times he did for the past few days, Syaoran sighed yet again. He knew Mei Lin was right. He had been ignoring himself and his duties just to stay close to Sakura and it clearly stressed him out more than he felt stressed when he killed or blew places up.

"See? And you can't deny it coz we all know and noticed your behavior and the state your in for the past few days. So now we have to get you back home and back on track" she said, trying to pull him away from Sakura and out the door.

"Fine, but someone has to stay here with her" he said as he pulled from her grasp. He took one last look at Sakura before shutting the door behind him.

"Had it covered" Jay said. "Me and the guys called in a few guys to guard and we told the nurses and doctors here as well"

"Threaten was more like it" Mei Lin said but with a smile on her face before turning back to Syaoran. "We called in a few people. Some will stay by the hallways, two by Sakura's door and some outside the hospital. They'll be watching out if someone suspicious comes along. But I do doubt it since we posted Sakura as dead and her name was changed from the hospital records but knowing you, we did it anyways"

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