Chapter 27: Connecting Dots

Start from the beginning


"Oh my God!" Naoko screamed, seeing the sight before her.

They had gotten home before Tomoyo and Mei Lin since as the store they were in was closer to the mansion.

"W-What the hell happened here?" Chiharu yelled to Ayumi and Hisami who were trying to pull Sakura away from the pool of blood on the floor.

The three rushed to their side and helped them carry Sakura over to a couch in the same room and laid her there.

"We have to take her to a hospital" Rika said urgently. "Or is Wei here?" she asked.

"No one else is here in the house. We just came back to get something when we saw her like this on the floor" Hisami said, looking down at her outfit which was stained with a lot of Sakura's blood.

Naoko looked back to where Sakura lay before and saw the blood trail to where they laid her.

"Everyone, we have to do something while we wait for Syaoran and the others" she pointed out.

"R-Right" Ayumi said, taking deep breaths, trying to avoid from breaking down on the floor herself.

"Wait, did you two call an ambulance already?" Chiharu asked, making them nod. "Good, you two go to the main gates and watch out for them, I doubt they even know how to get through the park"

The two nodded and exited the room in a run. Naoko and Rika had just run back in, Chiharu only just noticing that they left in the first place. They brought towels and a pail of water.

Rika went over to Sakura's side and started to wash off the blood off her face, as Chiharu did her arms, and Naoko did her legs.

"Tomoyo!" someone shouted from behind them.

The three turned around and saw Mei Lin supporting Tomoyo who was barely conscious.

Naoko ran over to them and helped Mei Lin bring Tomoyo over to another couch just beside Sakura's.

"Tomoyo, you have to stay conscious or else you can't be of any help to Sakura" Naoko told her.

Hearing this made Tomoyo's eyes snap open. She shook her head from side to side and held her head and tried to refocus her vision. She couldn't help it; she never expected to see that much blood on the floor and knowing it was Sakura's blood only made it worse.


"Where the hell are they!" Hisami said, frustrated that the ambulance hadn't arrived yet.

Tomoyo and Mei Lin had arrived moments ago and the ambulance still wasn't there. They knew that the hospital was kinda far from there location but they shouldn't take this long.

Hearing bike engines, they turned their heads to the other side of the road and saw Syaoran and the others ride up towards them in a fast speed.


When Syaoran saw the two girls standing by the gates with their car, he got even more worried. All that blood on their clothes must have come from Sakura.

He growled in frustration before doing a sharp turn into the gates and got even more faster when he rode through the park.


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