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The teen trudged along into school. It wasn't like he didn't want to be there, it was a great school, he just didn't want to be there 10 minutes after his first lesson started.

When he reached the classroom, Sikowitz leapt onto the raised stage in front of his students.

"Young children!" He clapped his hands to get their attention.

The teenagers looked up at him waiting for him to start the lesson.

"I'd like to introduce a new student!" He announced.

"Please don't-" the boy by the door started and immediately all eyes were on him.

"His name is Y/N," Sikowitz said proudly, pulling the boy to the small stage.

"Uh, hi," he shifted on his feet awkwardly.

After a minute of uncomfortable silence, Y/N got off the stage and slumped into a seat in the corner of the classroom. For the most part, people left him alone apart from the don't kid who sat next to him with a puppet.

"So, how do you like Hollywood Arts so far?" He asked, pushing his glasses up his nose.

"It's alright," Y/N sighed, slouching down in his seat more when his teacher's attention was directed at him.

"I'm sorry, is my lesson boring you?" Sikowitz asked.

Y/N groaned and rolled his eyes as Sikowitz pretend to be offended.

Near the end of the lesson, the nerdy kid leant over to ask another question.

"My name's Robbie, do you want to sit with me and my friends at lunch?" He offered.

"Sure," Y/N sighed, sitting up in his chair so he didn't fall off.

After a few boring lessons, Y/N tried to get to Robbie at lunch when a familiar, perky redhead grabbed his wrist and dragged him to a table. When he saw Robbie, he smiled slightly and sat down next to him.

"So, Y/N, this is Tori, André, Beck, Jade and Cat," He introduced everyone, gesturing at them as he said their name.

"And Rex," the puppet shouted from beside Robbie.

"Hi, I'm Cat!" the excited redhead that dragged Y/N the table chimed in.

"I know," Y/N chuckled lightly at her cheerful antics before someone leapt across the table at him.

She knocked him off the bench and held him against the ground.

"Trina! Trina get off of him!" the girl named Tori yelled, grabbing her sister.

Trina kicked and screamed as she was pulled away from the boy on the floor. Beck and André held her back as Robbie and Tori helped Y/N stand up. As much as Trina struggled, she couldn't escape the strong hold of the boys.

"That was... An impression," Y/N sighed, brushing dirt off his clothes.

Once the group pushed Trina away from the boy, all of them sat back down at the table.

"Sorry about my sister, she can be a bit overwhelming sometimes," Tori apologised for Trina.

"Ehh, it's fine," Y/N replied as he straightened out his shirt.

After a few minutes of asking Y/N questions and eating, the bell rang signalling the end of lunch. Y/N stood up and threw his bag over his shoulder. Cat scurried after him as he went to his next lesson. When she caught up with him, she threw her arms around his neck and squealed.

"Woah! Hey Cat," he exclaimed as he gently spun her so she was in front of him.

"Hi!" she squealed happily, hopping around once he put her down. "Do you like my friends?"

"Yeah, they're alright," Y/N smiled.

The two walked to their next lesson and sat next to each other. It was art. Y/N was very good at art and he enjoyed it a lot.

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