Chapter 14: Taking Back What's Mine

Start from the beginning


Mika kicked one of the guys he and Aki killed to make sure he was dead and indeed he was.



"Where to next?"

"Umm…from your current position. You guys can head to that door to your right. It'll lead you to the hallway Syaoran and Eriol are currently in. The 4 of you can move out to the floor below together. There are 14 guys on that floor and you guys need all the help you can get"




"What is it?"

"Just go forward. There's a door in your right side when you go on. Aki and Mika are getting in through there. So, if you see anyone go through that door, don't shoot. The 4 of you can go together downstairs since there are 14 guys down there"



"We've got company" Jay said in a whisper as he watched from the rear view mirror, a car was nearing their current position.

"Shit" Takashi said as he too saw the car.

It was a police car.

"Jay, make out with Mei Lin and use that as a cover" Takashi spoke quickly through his communicator.

"Hai…I wouldn't mind that at all" Jay replied with a grin then turned to the busy girls.

"Girls, the cops are here, close your laptops for awhile. Mei Lin,"

"Hai?" she said as she closed the laptop without turning it off.

"Come here"

Tomoyo looked at them as Jay pulled Mei Lin into a fierce kiss. She looked around and saw the police car stop a few meters behind them.

"Syaoran, there are cops in here. We'll guide you guys through later when they leave. In the mean time, watch out for those 14 guys. I'm out" Tomoyo said quickly as she closed her laptop and hid her communicator under her seat.


"What are we supposed to do while they make out?" Naoko asked Rika.

Rika had an evil glint in her eye.

"Rika?" Rika replied with a wide smile. "No…Rika? Are you serious? You can't possibly do that y- Rika!" Naoko called out as her friend stepped out of the car.


"What happened? I can't contact the girls" Mika said as he continued to repeatedly say Naoko's name through the communicator.

"Tomoyo just told me, cops arrived. They're gonna take care of 'em while we take out the 14 guys here. Think you can do it without your girls?" Syaoran asked with a smirk on his face.

Aki and Mika raised an eyebrow at him.

"Of course, it's just way easier if we have them" Aki said as they continued to walk down the hall after taking a left turn.

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