Chapter 1:: We met again

Comincia dall'inizio

He gave his card to the cashier and said, "Along with these." passing his basket of some groceries. The cashier smiled nodding and swiped the card. You took your bags as the guy took his. You stood in front of him with a blank expression as he looked at you confused.
"So... thank y-you I guess. Though I don't know why you paid for my stuff." You said awkwardly staring at him as he chuckled saying, "It's okay!" 
"How should I repay you..?" You asked as he replied, "Well... you can treat me to a meal!" 
"Why should I?" You asked looking at him blankly as he let out an awkward chuckle saying, "Isn't that the best way to repay someone?" 

"I never even asked you to pay for me.." You said as he thinned his lips saying, "That's harsh.." You awkwardly coughed saying, "Sorry.. but, I don't have any time right now to treat you." 
"Then... I can wait! For you to treat me later. Will you please give me your number? Then... maybe you can repay me later!" He said as you nodded saying, "That's... true. I think I can." He forwarded his phone as you dialled in your number calling it handing his phone to him. You heard your phone ring as you looked at it saying, "This one?" He nodded.

"Ah.. what's your name?" He asked as you replied, "Y/N, Lee Y/N." He nodded saving your name. You looked at your phone before saving it as 'Supermarket guy'. He looked at your phone blankly before letting out a laugh. You looked at him with raised brows. He chuckled saying, "You didn't even ask for my name."
"I don't need to know that." You said as he smiled saying, "Woah... is that your way of creating a wall between us?" 
"Good, you know." You said as he held his forehead smiling hard. You looked at him sighing. 
"Then, I'll leave. I'm busy. See you later." You bowed walking out of the supermarket mumbling, "A total player.." 
"Ah! Wait! Ms Y/N!" You heard the same deep voice as you stopped seeing the guy running towards you. 

"I'll call you later then. Or.. you can call me first if you're busy! I'll wait!" He said as you looked at him before scratching your neck. You nodded before walking away leaving him behind. The guy smiled at your back leaving and said, "Ah... I'm so curious about her." 
But soon, the guy heard a voice calling, "Yah! Kim Taehyung! How dare you come here without me?!" 
"Aish... Not you again." Taehyung said as the other guy scoffed saying, "Yah! You were supposed to come to my house and you're here at a supermarket?!" 
"Mom sent me here.. She needed some groceries," Taehyung said as the other guy sighed.
"Fine. Let's go then. This Lee Junho will take you to my house." The other guy said.

"Fine~ Mr Lee Junho. But we need to go to my house first." Taehyung said as Junho chuckled nodding. 
"Ah. I wonder if Noona is at her house." Junho said as Taehyung said, "Your elder sister?"
"Yeah. Noona lives in this area. Mom keeps persuading her to come back. She can't even take care of herself and wants to live alone." Junho said making Taehyung chuckle.
"Like sister like a brother," Taehyung spoke as Junho glared at him. Taehyung chuckled walking towards the other direction with Junho tagging along.

"Why do you look so happy though?" Junho asked as Taehyung chuckled saying, "I saw a very pretty woman today." 
"Oh really? You a*shole can like someone?" Junho asked as Taehyung smiled saying, "She was beautiful, no joke!" 
"Woah.. that's rare hearing from you! You aren't interested in women usually. She must be a rare one~" Junho said as Taehyung giggled. 
"How did you even meet her in this supermarket?" Junho asked as Taehyung just smiled walking ignoring him making Junho follow him annoying him to tell him. 

Taehyung's POV || Flashback

"I'll leave then, Mom!" Taehyung said getting out of the house. Walking towards the supermarket, he took a handbasket and went towards the snacks section when he spotted someone jumping there. He squinted his eyes looking properly to see someone wearing a pink hoodie and pink sweatpants with violet sneakers. He smiled a little seeing the cute outfit but his smile turned into an astonished expression when the hood from the person's head fell off. It was a girl, who was smiling ear to ear while stuffing her basket with chocolates. 

"What a rare sight.." Taehyung said smiling but his heart skipped a beat when the girl he was staring at looked at him. It was a brief eye contact but he felt a spark in his heart looking at her. 

You, on the other hand, didn't even bother about him but only watching you quietly wasn't his intention. 

--End of flashback 

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--End of flashback 

"Woah... what a freak! That's love, at first sight, ~" Junho spoke as Taehyung giggled.
"But what if that woman is older than you? You said you didn't know about her age? She might've been married... has kids.. what if- Oh my god!" Junho spoke as Taehyung smacked his head hard saying, "Shut up! You idiot. What are you even saying? She's young. And it's okay if she's a little older than me... that's not bad." 
"Creep," Junho spoke as Taehyung giggled while they walked towards his house.

---A week later 

"Ahh! My daughter is back!" Your mother said as you hugged her kissing her cheeks. She made a disgusted face saying, "A hug is enough!" 
You giggled at her and said, "No~~ You wanted me so bad. Now  you act all indifferent." Your father smiled saying, "My young princess. Welcome!" You giggled hugging him as well.
"Where is that punk?" You asked as your mom hissed saying, "He's your brother! Why do you both keep bickering all the time?"

"That punk is more of a devil!" You said as your father said, "He's coming with his friend."
"Oh. The one who hangs out with him every day?" You asked as your mother nodded.
"Ah... only if he wasn't younger, I would've asked him to marry you. He's such a pure and adorable kid!" Your mother said as you cringed at her.
"Mom! What nonsense are you saying... ew!" You said as your father sighed.
"You all make me... speechless." Your father said as you drank the orange juice in your hands sighing. 

"We're home!" You heard a voice and scoffed knowing it was your younger brother. Looking back, you saw your brother, Lee Junho coming into the living room but your eyes widened a little seeing the guy behind him. His eyes widened as well. You both awkwardly stared at each other as he spoke, "Hello! We met again!"

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