"Got it" he ended through the hidden-mic. and walked fast towards the gate.

"Hey! You there! Stop!" someone shouted from behind him.

He ran and climbed the gate and over it, landing softly on the ground. He took the helmet on the bike he parked by a tree and gassed it.


Ren alarmed the gate to open, Mika and Aki ran outside and started shooting.

Syaoran and Eriol rode their bikes out the gate with Mika and Aki hopping on behind them before gassing it to the fullest.


"What the hell was that about?" Sakura asked Ren, just seeing the guys ride off out the gate.

"We found the spy, the guys are chasing him right now" he sighed, going inside the house.

"Sakura, I wanna go help"

"Then we think alike"


Taiji made a sharp turn and towards the freeway, shooting behind him once in a while and trying to avoid the gunshots heading his way.

"Chris, where the hell are they?"

"Back up is coming, where are you?"

"I'm on the freeway, with four wolves on two bikes on my tail"

"Good, they're close, just hold on"

"Fuck" Taiji hissed, feeling the bullet on his left ankle.


"Syaoran, we've got company" Eriol shouted from beside him, looking at the side mirrors.

"How many?" he shouted back, not bothering to look as he concentrated on catching up with their first target.

"Four bikes, a van and a car"

"Mika, Aki start shooting behind us" Syaoran ordered.

"Damn it! Wait! Stop!" Eriol said abruptly. "Don't shoot that car" he'd know that person anywhere, it's hard to miss as she was videotaping even especially at this time.

"Why the hell not?" Mika shouted from behind him.

"It's the girls"


Clearly they saw the girls, especially Sakura who was sitting on top of the car in the middle of the convertible.

"What the fuck are they doing here?"


"Rika, go faster" Sakura ordered. They were riding a 2006 XK Victory Edition Jaguar Convertible and she was glad because it can sure move fast. Rika was driving with Tomoyo on the front passenger seat. Since there weren't any back seats she had to sit in the middle and on top of the two seats. "Tomoyo, can you check if there are any guns in that locker?"

Tomoyo looked away from her camcorder and opened it, bringing out four guns. She gave two to Sakura, one to Rika and one for herself.

Meant To Be Wild (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now