Chapter 3: Second Meeting

Start from the beginning

'The nerve of him!' Sakura screamed in her thoughts, still fighting to make Tomoyo wake.


"I guess we should go help" the man on the bike said, looking at the girl lying on the floor, unconscious.

"Why?" said one of his companions. "We don't even know them, it's better for us if we don't get involved, Syaoran might kill us"

"Technically, we're already involved. We also know some of those girls. The girl who almost got ran over knew Syaoran, she might do something stupid as to tell them it was he in that car. I'm pretty sure she got a good look at him from were she was standing" the other companion pointed out in a sarcastic tone.

"Let's just go and help, all we'll do is make sure that the one who fainted is alright, then we'll take our leave if its nothing serious" he said, still looking at Tomoyo with great interest. "I hope she's alright"

His second companion raised an eyebrow at him, though it can't be seen because of the helmet.

The three men kicked down the stands on their bikes and zoomed away from the spot they were watching from, towards the girls.


Hearing the rumbling noise of motorcycles, Chiharu stood up along with Rika and turned around to see three bikes pull up in front of them.

"Having trouble?" the nearest to them asked.

Chiharu raised an eyebrow at him, seeing her face reflected by the black visor which covered his eyes. "You think?" she replied sarcastically. She glared at him, feeling him smirk behind his helmet.

True to her thoughts, Eriol smirked at her reply. 'She's scared' he thought, bemused at the idea.

He slid up his visor and revealed his deep blue eyes. Before he could reply, someone else spoke before he had the chance.

"There's no need to be a bitch about it" Aki said from beside him, as he too slid up his visor, showing off his dark brown eyes.

Getting a glare from Chiharu, Aki smirked and took off his helmet. His dark brown braided hair fell just by his shoulders, not noticing the girl whose breath got caught by this.

"I'm not being a bitch, your just being an asshole, you asshole" Chiharu said firmly. "Tell him he's an asshole Rika"

"Y-You're…umm…what she said" Rika stuttered and looked down, blushing furiously. She couldn't believe she just did that. 'I'm the most obvious person in the world' she mentally smacked herself. 'Now he'll think I'm a total dolt'

Aki gave her a charming smile, making her look like a cherry. Chiharu's eyebrows creased at this, looking at him then at her friend repeatedly. She shook her head and turned back to Eriol.

"We don't need help from you" she said in a finalized tone.

"Tomoyo! Tomoyo! Please wake up!" Sakura continued to say from behind her.

Eriol took of his helmet and glanced at the three girls on the ground then raised an eyebrow at Chiharu. She huffed looking at his face.

"We'll be fine" she said irately.

"I'm sure you will be but your friend might not. You should take her to somewhere more private" the silent one finally spoke up. He took off his helmet, revealing the same hair as Eriol, except his was black, and he had brown eyes. There was no one around, as the people were still inside the stores, fearing to come out, but their spot on the sidewalk was a bit illuminating.

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