Did You Lose Your Voice?

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AN: My apologies, but I realize that this part might need some clarification. 

Okay, some background. Opposite Hanazuki is quiet. REALLY quiet. So quiet that her normal speaking voice barely registers to most people. But if she puts in enough effort, and really pushes herself, she can attain the volume level of a normal whisper.

Now since Wattpad doesn't do font sizes, it's hard to convey that in writing. And since I don't want to be writing "she whispered" constantly, here's a visual representation of that

"(Hello)" Hanazuki's normal speaking voice.

"Hello" Hanazuki's 'loud' voice.

Do remember that italics and parenthesis not in quotes will still be used for thoughts and asides, so try not to get confused.

Without further ado, on with the story!


Hanazuki awoke to a day like any other.

She was lying in bed by herself, still kind of tired. She wasn't really all that big on mornings; she preferred to stay in bed and snooze until someone forced her to get up. Although mornings were one of the few times when nobody else was around and she had some time to herself, so maybe mornings weren't so bad after all. She looked to her side to see her usual Fluerina plant and...

...where was her hat? Where was her hat? That hat had been one of her most treasured possesions! It had to be around the room somewhere.

"(Hey Maroshi, have you seen my...)" Her voice trailed off when she turned around and realized that Maroshi wasn't in her room either. He had made a habit sneaking in to sleep in her bedroom almost every night, and while it was still more likely that he had made good on his promise that last night would be 'the last time' that happened, his lack of presence combined with her missing hat made her worried.

She quickly rushed out the door and looked around for anything else that might've been missing. The universe just randomly deleting things would be a bit of problem. After all, it was the day of the big moon festival, and while Hanazuki wasn't big on parties, she'd promised to go and have some fun with her friends.

At one of the lake's formed by Maroshi's destroyed moon, she finally found someone; namely, Maroshi himself.

Huh. I guess last night really WAS the last time. Good for you, Maroshi.

Still, Hanazuki needed assistance finding her hat, and sleeping moonflowers were no help at all. So she grabbed a bucket, filled it with water, and dumped it over his head.

The effects were instant. Maroshi sat straight up, coughing and sputtering. "Dude! What was that for?"

"(Good morning. I've lost my hat, and you're helping me find it.)" She said, casually tossing the bucket aside.

"Huh?" Maroshi asked, looking confused. "Did you say something?"

Sigh. Hanazuki had been with her friends long enough that it generally wasn't a problem, but sometimes they did have some problems understanding her. "(I said, I lost my hat.)"

"Okay...?" Maroshi asked. "I don't get the silent treatment, but whatever. I'm just gonna get some breakfast. Sorry for whatever I did."

Wait no! Maroshi couldn't just leave, she needed his help! And since when did Maroshi brush things like the silent treatment off so easily anyway? She was happy he could do that now, sure, but this was the moonflower who just yesterday broke down in an apology-fest over accidently crushing one of her flowers. How could he just ignore her in her hour of need?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2022 ⏰

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