the death of fred weasley

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The Weasleys and what members were left of the order told me I wasn't allowed to go fight in the war. I didn't try to fight them cause I understood why. Being eight months pregnant in the midst of war isn't easy, but Fred and I couldn't wait. I even at one point begged Fred to stay scared that he wouldn't make it home.

God I should have begged harder.

I knew something wasn't right when the person at the door knocked instead of walking right in. I also knew something was wrong when the person knocking was my crying boyfriend. Except he was missing an ear. I don't exactly know what happened after George told me, all I know is that I had a panic attack and had to be rushed to St. Mungos in fear of hurting the baby. I ended up having to give birth to my little baby girl on the same day I lost the love of my life.

Fred and I could never agree on a name. I wanted her to be named Cassie Alice Weasley and Fred wanted her to be named Sage Marina Weasley. It was a no-brainer really. Naming our baby girl, who looked like a carbon copy of her dad, Sage.

The first two years of her life were hard for everyone.

George couldn't be in a room with Sage for longer than five-minute intervals. Every time he looked at her he was reminded of what he had lost. He also felt guilty knowing that he would spend more time with Sage than Fred ever would. By the time Sage turned one George couldn't stand to be away from her for more than five minutes. He started getting better and offered to help me move things around in Fred's room so that Sage and I could stay there. He would never tell me this himself, but every night I heard him promise to Fred and he wouldn't let anything happen to Sage or me.

Every year on Sage's birthday everyone was reminded of the war and people we lost. Instead of mourning, we filled the day with cake, family time, and loads of pranks. Slowly yet surely almost everyone had their twinkle back in their eye. Well everyone except me. I couldn't get over Fred's death. It didn't help that I had very little time to mourn either. I was too busy trying to make sure my daughter had a perfect life.

I didn't truly heal till two weeks after sage turned eleven. She asked me about Fred. She asked how we met, what he was like, when did we start dating, and how he died. I spent the whole day telling her everything I knew about her dad. Being able to talk about Fred for this long without the fear of upsetting George, Molly, or any other person apart of the Weasley bunch was nice. I was finally able to start healing.

Word Count: 489

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2022 ⏰

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