Chapter 1: "the past is away"

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Off was waking away from the bar, and Tay was right behind him with a questionable face. "Why are we leaveing so early?" he asks.
"I don't feel like getting drunk today.." off says. "What?! Really.. That's a surprise" Tay said in a Scarasam voice. "But I'm glad.. hav-have you thought about what I said?" tay said. Off stayed quiet for a minute, not wanting to talk about that subject. "Tay look, Im full of money. I just go to school for the events and our friends, not because I care." off said but Tay wasn't giving up just yet. "You know that's not the only thing. You should at least try, it's little knowledge that can actually help at times. School doesn't really prepare you for the future in the best way, I agree with that- but some things they teach, can really help. You party alot, go to the bars. We are young but, you go every 2 days." Tay mentioned. "So? At least I don't hook up all the time.. Heck you know I haven't even kissed someone, very less have made love. And I have my limits I don't get extremely drunk all the time." "but it doesn't take away the fact that- you live your life like that. Find your happiness, find your purpose.." Tay just wanted the best for off.
"I have no purpose in life. You more then anyone should know that." off said as he opened the door to the car. "I- it's just I- you are happy but I'm your best friend. You need to find yourself, and only you can do that, which can help bring more actual happiness" tay said as he put on his seat belt." I'm happy with my life." " but as your friend I know something is missing in your life.. Something, and not your past". Off sighed "the past is away, and that's for the best. " Tay didn't say anything back, he stayed quiet until off dropped him off at his house."Good night, off" " Good night, Tay".

Off drove home, his mind on the subject tay brought on
He made it home, and opened the door in such a mad way. He was un able to know his feelings at the moment? Sad, sad or mad. He threw himself at his bed, not changing, and hugging his pillow until he fell asleep, which led to a dream of a memory of the past.

"Plea-please papa, I tried my best"
"Your best?! You  think you deserve to call me "papa"
"Stop yelling at him, what has gotten into you?!"
"I- I wouldn't be yelling if he got a better grade"
"He tried his best, thats enough. Your family has gotten into your head. Putting pressure on him, saying he is the" chosen one" for the family!!"
"You think that doesn't put pressure on me!? He is my son!"
"You know what I'm done of this! We are getting a divorce I can no longer deal with this"
12 year old off starring at then, blaming himself

Off woke up shaking, and started crying until once again he fell asleep

Off woke up the next day at 5:00 am, every morning it's the same thing. No matter what time off falls asleep he is awake at 5:00 am.

Off was brushing his teeth when he heard a knock on his door. He left his room, and went to open the door. "Hey hey, son, your mama bear is here!!" his mom yelled. "Haha, hey mom." off said as he smiled."hey mom is all I get? Off I pushed ur body out of my a-" " okay- I get it" off cried. "Here" and off hugged his mother. "See now that's better".

"What time are you going to work?" "around 6:30 am" off said as he drink his tea. "Nice, that means I get to have breakfast with my son"
Offs mother said as she smiled. "Of course mom" off really enjoyed the company of his mother. "And as usual I'll leave before 6" "here is your tea Mrs. Pa" one of the maid said before off could respond to his mother. "Thank you".
Off stayed quiet for a minute before saying anything.

"Mom, I missed you deeply" off said in a childish way. "Me too, my dear off" said as she touched her sons hand and put it on her check. They both smile, for what feels like a hour.

Both off and his mother have a good relationship. Which makes up for off's dad. Off didn't ever feel left out because he didn't have his father. In fact he only needed his loving mother. Because of offs father, both him and his mother have trauma.

As minutes passed they talked and talked. Their conversation were never boring. Off really did love his mother. She was a strong women. She has done things, like risking her life for her son. She would do anything for off. Their relationship as mother and son was heart warming.

Before they realized it was 10 minutes till 6.
it's time for me to go, your mama bear is out of here" Mrs. Pa said as she got up from the table.
Mrs.Pa had blond hair but dyed it brown-black last year, she also had brown eyes. She had "lazy eyes" which over time she learned to love. She is tall in a way, she was about 5'6. She was slim, and had little cubby cheeks. Off on the other hand didn't look like her much. I'n otherwise he looked just like his father.

"haha, yea bye, you are coming tomorrow right?" Off asked. "Of course." Mrs.Pa responded as she smiled at him. And off smiled back. "Aw, you really should smile more son. You smile around me, you should show the world your beautiful smile." Mrs.Pa stated. "Ma- when you smile your showing my smile." Off was right. All though he doesn't look like his mother much. Their smile were identical.

As Mrs.Pa was walking out of the house. She saw some Cherry's . "Cherry's? Off your allergic to cherry's". "What cherr- oh those I bought them for you. I guess I forgot to give them to you." Off said in confusion. "Oh- thank you. Well I do love myself some cherries." "Thank you, son good bye"

Off saw as his mother left, and went to his room, to change into his work clothes. A suit that is navy blue. And some shoes that were shiny.

As off walked out of his house, he got into his luxury car.
(A/N: as you can see he is rich ooop-)
As off was driving away from his home, and passing his mothers.

Yes, off and Mrs.Pa live right besides each other.

Off felt a feeling of pain as he passed his mothers house.

"I wish my mom, will one day be able to go outside after six pm, with out being scared. This phobic is ruing my ma's chance of that ever happenin-"
Before off could finish his thoughts he saw a small figure in front of him.

"Did-oh- my god- dang- um are u okay?" Off said as he was realizing he almost ran over the man. Well Off wasn't sure if it was a man for a second. Off started at him. How can a male be so short and feminine? He wondered to himself. All though he admitted the small figure was a bit masculine looking in a way, he was feminine looking.

"AyY- um- yea i'm okay" the small figure said as he was running out of breath. "Look I owe you an apology for what happened- Um here how much money so you don't sue me?" off said as he got out his wallet. "Excuse me?" the small figure said in confusion. "So how much?" off responded. "Oh no it's okay it was an ancient, I was running and didn't see a car." the small figure responded in a small tone. "Oh um- okay I owe you an apology, but I need to get going." off said as he started his car and went away.

The small figure started blushing as off went away. "He is handsome." the small figure said as he started running Again. "Sh- ima be late to work."

A/N : I'm guessing y'all can guess who the small figure is *cough* gu- *cough*

So I added some chapters together so there wouldn't be too much. Since originally at the start the chapters were really short so I combined some together.

like for example I put what was originally chapter 2 here to chapter 1.


How's ur day so far?

Daily challenge/doing:

- listen to ur favorite music without distractions-

Remember life isn't about trying to stay hidden when there is a storm but to learn how to ___ (ur fav hobbies) in the rain


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