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In any story there is always his side, her side, and the truth. But the truth is that no one really knows what happened that night all those years ago. It's a mystery to even those who experienced it.

Clementine Beaumont only remembered bits and pieces of that nights events, but she could never forget how she felt when she watched three hearts shatter, one of which being her own. It caused her to run. She ran all the way to Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and never looked back.

That is, until Headmistress McGonagall begged her to fill an empty teaching position at Hogwarts.

"Thank you for arriving on such short notice, Clementine." Minerva McGonagall led her down the corridor connecting to the Great Hall.

The two witches walked side by side, the afternoon sun casting colorful shadows through the stained glass windows. It was a quiet day, and most of the students were in class. Everything looked just the same as Clementine had remembered it, but the school never felt more alive.

"It's really no problem, Professor." Clementine smiled politely, "But with all due respect I'm not quite sure why I'm even here? Herbology has always been a one teacher department as far as I'm aware. Professor Sprout never needed any assistance."

Minerva laughed, "Ah yes, in the past it was a singular position, but Professor Longbottom has expanded the curriculum far beyond his reaches in his short time here. He needs all the help he can get, I'm afraid. You remember Neville, don't you?"

Clementine nodded. Of course she remembered Neville Longbottom. He was a sniffly, awkward young boy in all the years she had known him, but he had grown up quite well. Some would even go as far to say that he was very handsome now. Clementine could see the appeal. She remembered the absolute shock she had when she was flipping through a copy of Witch Weekly and saw Neville plastered all over the most eligible wizard page next to Blaise Zabini.

"Yeah, Neville's alright." Clementine hummed. She couldn't help but to feel distracted. Lots of old memories had been flooding back to her all morning.

"There should be a lot of familiar faces for you this year, actually. Quite a few students from your year have taken up the empty positions as more of our professors reach retirement. Our staff is quite young these days." McGonagall continued, "Luna Lovegood assists Professor Trelawney... Theodore Nott works in the library..."

"Does he now?" Clementine feigned surprise. Of course she already knew Theo would be there. He was part of the reason it took so much convincing to come back here.

"I had my doubts, too, but he's been doing quite well." The headmistress chuckled. "Now, I know we provide accommodations for all of our faculty and staff, but it's my understanding that you will be living in Hogsmeade?"

"I've rented a room with Madam Rosmerta at the Three Broomsticks." Clementine confirmed. "I appreciate everything you've done to accommodate me, but I still feel like I should keep some distance between my work and personal life."

"Right." McGonagall nodded, though she seemed displeased, "You won't have a room in the castle, but you will have an office near the Greenhouses. I'll have Neville show you around once you're settled. I'll let you get reacclimatized as you see fit."

"Thank you, Headmistress." Clementine responded loftily, her mind already drifting elsewhere.

"No, thank you, Clementine." McGonagall gave her a wary smile. "Things have been in flux since the war. We're finally getting back on our feet, and the additional staff really makes a difference."

The two parted ways, Minerva finally catching on to the fact that Clementine needed her space. She was an introverted girl, not quiet, but she needed the ability to be alone with her thoughts, especially when they were so scrambled.

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