He offered a pained smile that didn't reach his eyes. "I was Morphing. My power, or abilities, were developing. I did not expect for them to come so soon. And I healed you." He smiled for real now. "I am able to do that now."

I slightly smiled back, remembering the sheer agony that had ripped through him. All of that for abilities? Much worse than giving birth, I'd say. I sighed and asked him to help me up. I was so weak from the trauma and remembered pain that I leaned nearly my full weight on him. It took him no effort at all to literally carry me without actually picking me up. I saw now that we were no longer in the clearing, but in a covering of trees that was especially secluded by brush and rock.

"What do we do now?" he asked.

As if I knew the answer to that. Damn, my parents and Riley would kill me. Missing for the whole night? That would earn me three months of being grounded. They'd probably gone to the police to file a missing person already. I sighed again.

"I suppose we go get cleaned up and get something to eat before I get killed by my parents." With that, I realized my cell phone was still in my jean pocket, an uncomfortable lump bulging over my hip. I pulled it out and sent a quick text to my mom saying I was at Jace's and had fallen asleep last night on his couch. And so he carried me through the woods towards the sound of civilization. A knot of dread curled into a ball under my ribs as I thought of their reactions when I got home. And then annoyance as I remembered last nights' diner fiasco.

"Hey, Jace?"

He looked down at me, his face soft and weary. "Yes, Skyler?"

I swallowed and looked away, unable to meet his eyes for what came next. "Why were you with that group of girls last night? And why did the one kiss you?"

He was silent for so long that I looked at his face again, despite my burning cheeks. His glowing eyes, reflecting the morning sun like two jade coins, regarded me with unblinking intensity that shriveled my insides into nonsensical mush.

"I did not know them. They offered me food, and I did not know a reason to say no. Be assured, I did not intend for it to go the way it did." He cleared his throat and looked away as he peered around, gauging our place I assumed. "The boy came later and was vying for the one that...kissed me." At this, he gave a little wrinkle to his nose. His arms tightened.

I studied his face for a moment, and then shrugged. "Well, as long as you had fun, I guess. I can't be your only...friend, right? You're new here, so may as well get some experiences."

His eyes flew back to my face. "Skyler, they were not friends. I did not like them at all. They were not like you. You are kind, and..." His face screwed up in a pondering expression, looking for a word. "...lovely. You fascinate me. You are more to me than a friend. I do not understand the workings of it all yet, but that is what I know."

My breath caught. My brain scrambled for a response, but it came up with none. To say the least, my face was a tomato. My palms sweat when one gripped his shoulder and the other balled in my lap.

"Well, in that case...same." I cleared my throat and lamely left it at that.


We picked up my car and went to Jace's house first. My clothes were ragged, torn, and stained with blood, grass and dirt. Jace's consisted of dirty jeans and no shirt or shoes. As he circled the car to help me out of the drivers seat, I noticed an older lady in a robe and slippers across the street was staring at him with her mouth ajar. I let a hysterical giggle escape before I knew what was happening and clapped my hand over my mouth. Jace's eyebrows furrowed but he didn't comment. I was left on the couch as he went to the kitchen to get us some cereal. Hopefully that would center my jittery nerves and weakness. Sugar was a good starting point.

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