"Let's not keep him waiting." He says finally looking my way. I pick the file following him out hurriedly and leaving Mrs. Smith in the office looking confused.

We find the manager who gets up greeting Mr. Jay and I. "My apologies for keeping you waiting."

"It's ok, I didn't wait for long." The manager says as they sit down and I give each of them the documents. "Let's get straight to business."


Eating Cajun Salmon and shrimp alfredo I'm having for lunch, I pick my glass of water as Mr. Jay talks to Mr. Bavino, the Chief operations officer and Mr. Luke, the Chief financial officer on the conference call. They are discussing the huge multi million dollar deal they've been trying to close but the potential partners seem to be a little hesitant, delaying the signing of the contract.

"I think we have to be more patient, give them more time to think it through. If they changed their mind about working with us, they would have already informed us by now. So let's just be patient and optimistic." Mr. Bavino says to his colleagues.

"Mr. Bavino, this has nothing to do with patience and optimism." Mr. Jay says. "If you want something, you work for it and get it. What we have to do is be more strategic with our next move, not be optimistic."

"You are a realist." Mr. Bavino replies and the three of them laugh. "I get that but what have we not done to prove to them that we are worthy of the contract and partnership. They are already aware of our superior services and the high quality of our products."

The three them remain silent, Mr. Jay pacing infront of the desk trying to come up with the next move to make.

He looks my way, his keen eyes settling on me. "I know that look, you have an idea. Feel free to contribute to the discussion if you want to." He says to me.

After some hesitation I get up moving closer to the phone so Mr. Bavino and Mr. Luke can hear me clearly. "It all comes down to our products. So we should fully prove to them just how high quality our products are. Then we show them that they can trust us with their brand as well. When it comes down to business, nobody ever wants to take chances."

The four of us go silent again, Mr. Jay's eyes back on me. Not of surprise but of pride.

"Where have you been all our lives?" Mr. Luke asks me and the four of us laugh. "Miss Paloma I didn't know that you are also a business advisor, a really good one I might add. You've helped us a huge deal, trust me."

"It's nothing." I shrug smiling to myself.

"The company's associates want to meet us urgently tomorrow in Milan to further discuss the partnership. Jay I think you should go and represent us there, with Miss. Paloma by your side." Mr. Luke says.

"Italy is only five hours from here by flight. With the private jet, there will be no delays. You can leave today, get a good night rest on your arrival and wake up fresh and ready for the meeting in the morning. After that, you can get on the jet back home. We all know you never want to be away from little angel for long." He adds.

Who is little angel?

The conference call ends and Mr. Jay sits on the grey couch, undoing the top two buttons of his white shirt. "I'm sorry if this is an inconvenience to you, going to Milan with me in such a short notice. It's only for a day so you have nothing to worry about." He says to me.

"Sir my job is to be by your side assisting you in business matters. I'm your personal assistant and travelling with you if need be is part of my job. You have nothing to apologize for." I assure him.

He gets up picking his leather briefcase and walking to the door. "I'm going back home to be with someone before leaving the country in the evening. You are also free to leave the office, go back home and pack your bag. My driver will pick you up, you don't have to take a taxi."

I leave the office right after him, taking a taxi to the boutique to check up on things and keep Viola company for a while. I find her busy on her laptop doing her online work.

I hug her before sitting next to her looking around the store. "You've come back really early today. Is everything ok in the office?"

"Yes everything is fine. My boss and I are leaving for Milan in the evening. He has an urgent meeting to attend tomorrow morning." I tell Viola and she looks my way, mischief all over her eyes. Why does she have to be so crazy all the time?

"You are going to Italy!" She shouts in excitement. "That's so exciting, you've always wanted to visit Italy."

"Well I'm not going for a tour, it's a business trip."

"Whatever it is, you are still going to Italy." Viola smiles only to sigh, resting her head on my shoulder. "I'm going to miss you."

I pat her hair leaning on her too. "I'll be gone for less than a day."

"I'm still going to miss annoying you. Bring back a good souvenir for me."

"I will do that and it will be something really good. I promise you."

We stay in the boutique, closing up together when evening comes. Viola drops by the bakery for an apple pie before driving to her apartment.

I pack everything I'm going to need for the trip in my purple travel bag before taking a shower and putting on a white cropped tank top, blue faded baggy jeans and white sneakers. I'm keeping it casual.

Not wanting to leave for the airport hungry, I stroll down the street with my bag in hand to a food truck not far away, ordering for two beef burritos and a bottle of water, sitting down on the bench to eat.

After what happened between Mr. Jay and I back at the office earlier today and when I fell on top of him, there has been some awkwardness between us. We haven't talked about it and I don't see us doing so.

A black Lexus LX600 stops by the food truck, the driver stepping out. He opens the door for Mr. Jay who sees me and walks over, snatching my chicken and steak burrito from me, taking a bite.

"You've never had a burrito before." I state after seeing how he is looking at it, curiosity all over his eyes.

"This is my first time eating a burrito and it tastes really good." He says taking one more bite.

I let him eat it and drink my water already satisfied after eating the first one. I love burritos so much, especially chicken and steak burritos.

I buy another bottle of water for Mr. Jay so he can quench his thirst after eating.

Back in the car we drive to the airport, carrying our bags and getting in the private jet once we arrive. Even though it's only a business trip, I'm still thrilled about it because I've always wanted to visit Italy.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2022 ⏰

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