Chapter 18: A Date With The Devil

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Chapter 18- A Date With The Devil

"Great so what do you suppose I do?" Evil Emma questioned.

"Go on a date with him of course! Must I do everything around here?" Svetlana groaned.

"Whatever." Evil Emma snapped back.

Svetlana rolled her eyes, disgusted by the behavior that the evil counterpart of Emma. She was so careless as well as rebellious, a contrast to the sweet and friendly Emma.

"I think I prefer the sweet and friendly Emma over you." Svetlana retorted as she looked through the yellowing pages of the Hex.

"I don't care." Evil Emma rolled her eyes and continued to pace around the room, looking for goody two shoes Emma's cell phone.

"You should," Svetlana smirked. "After all, that's how you're going to have to act around Jax."

"You really don't know when to be quiet do you?" Evil Emma muttered sarcastically, throwing her arms up in the air in total annoyance.

Svetlana glared at Evil Emma's back and rendered her gaze back to the Hex, flipping through the pages once again, determined to find the correct spell to destory the magic realm.

"There it is." Evil Emma smirked and picked up her sweet counterpart's cell phone, causing Svetlana to look up. 

Evil Emma fumbled with the cellphone and groaned when she discovered that there was a password lock, guarding sweet and friendly Emma's contacts and messages. 

"Did you forget that you are a witch?" Svetlana rose both of her black eyebrows up in amusement. "You can easily cast a spell to unlock the phone." 

"Be quiet for a minute, will you?" Evil Emma grit her teeth in annoyance and frustration. 

"Yep, I definitely prefer goody two shoes Emma over the likes of you." Svetlana stated and continued to read spells. 

Evil Emma ignored Svetlana's crude remarks and casted a spell upon the original Emma's cellphone. In less than a minute, the cellphone unlocked, giving her access to all of Emma's contacts and messages.

"Finally." Evil Emma said and flipped through the cellphone, looking for Jax's phone number.

Once she located it, she carefully typed out a message to Jax, making it seem as sweet and friendly as possible.

Could you please meet me by the beach?

Not five minutes later, she received a text message back, holding one simple word to make Evil Emma smirk in satisfaction.



"I see you got lover boy's acceptance to your play date." Svetlana laughed to herself. 

"It's not a play date!" Evil Emma growled in frustration. 

"Whatever you say!" Svetlana giggled and ignored Evil Emma's annoyed glares.

Evil Emma ignored Svetlana's annoying jabs at her actions and teletransported herself to the beach. Not a minute later, Jax tele-transported himself to the same beach and located Evil Emma.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" Jax questioned.

"What do you think of doing something rebellious for a change?" Evil Emma inquired.

"Rebellious?" Jax said slowly as if not comprehending what Evil Emma was proposing.

"You know, like wild and reckless..." Evil Emma forced herself not to roll her eyes and gave him a sweet smile instead.

"Although it seems rather tempting," Jax replied. "I can't afford to get into trouble anymore, Emma. I would be immediately sent back to the academy for troublesome wizards. You know that."

"You won't get into trouble if you don't get caught, Jax." Evil Emma turned her head to meet his dark, mysterious gaze.

There was a heavy pause before Jax decided to reply to her statement.

"What has gotten into you?" Jax questioned, not believing that she would suggest such a wild and rebellious idea.

"I just wanted to do something different for a change." Evil Emma spluttered out the first lie she could muster. 

"I know you, Emma. You don't change your morals for a reason." Jax's gaze pierced through the side of her head. 

"I don't understand what you mean." Evil Emma remarked, not willing to meet his gaze. 

"You're not the Emma I know." Jax retorted and forced Evil Emma's eyes to look at him. 

"You are being ridiculous, Jax." Evil Emma replied, losing her cool for the first time and quickly turned her gaze from him.

"Of course you would think that," Jax's gaze turned icy and cold. "Because you are not the real Emma."


A little longer than usual. I hope it meets to your expectations. Sorry for the long wait.

Keep voting and commenting!

Thanks to @Nikki561216 for the constant support. You've been a great help whilst writing this chapter! :)

Love you all,


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