Secret time- R.L.

Start from the beginning

"Hey Y/N what's going on" James asked trying not to make it obvious they were just talking about her.

"Nothing much, have you guys seen Remus today?" She noticed he wasn't with them like he usually was

"Nope haven't seen him" Sirius said scratching the back of his head as if he had no clue of what was going on

"Right." She said, not believing a word
"Last night he ran off on our date said he had something to do, any clue what he was talking about?"

"No, but uh we'll let you know if we see him" James sent her a reassuring smile.

"Thanks, I'll see you guys later then" she said walking off turning down the hallway they just came from

They waited till she was out of sight to head to their destination. The hospital wing. 

The boys pushed open the double doors, looking for their friend. Remus was on the far side of the room, sleeping off the events of the night before. They gathered around his bed waiting for him to wake.

"Do you think he'll tell Y/N?" Peter asked after some time

"I hope so, she doesn't deserve to be in the dark" Sirius said

"We'll tell him she was looking for him when he gets up" James added

Last night wasn't as bad as others, he looked all banged up but he's been through worse. Small cuts spread across his chest, bigger cuts wrapped in bandages on his arms. He stirred in the bed, his eyes fluttering open.

"Alright there mate?" Sirius said gently

Remus nodded slightly sitting up in the bed
"How long was I out?" he asked

"Not long, few hours" James told him

"Oh my god, I ditched Y/N last night" he said aloud running a hand down his face

"Yeah, she told us" peter nodded 

"Did you guys say anything to her, you know about this?" he asked pointing to the scratches on his body

"Of course not, it's not our place to tell" Sirius spoke for his friends

"Thank you truly, I have to tell her I just don't know how" he admitted
"What if she thinks I'm a freak and breaks up with me?" Panic building in his chest

"Hey man this is Y/N we're talking about, that girl has loved you since the day she met you." James started

"James is right, you'd have to do something absolutely crazy to chase her away" Peter smiled

"Plus she already knows you're a freak anyway, this ain't nothing" Sirius chimed in, trying to cheer his best friend up

Remus laughed, he knew they were right but he still was afraid. 
"Okay I'll tell her, but right now I'm starving"

The boys helped their friend out of bed, he got dressed in the clothes from the night before. Thanking madam Pomfrey for helping him, Remus and his friends head out the door going to the great hall.


After lunch Remus went looking for Y/N, he needed to explain what happened. Searching throughout the campus for his girlfriend, he couldn't find her in her usual spots. The library, the common room, the courtyard, she wasn't there.

Giving up, he went back to the spot of their date. Walking onto the grass listening to the sound of the wind blowing on the warm spring day. He sat down in the area where he and Y/N had enjoyed themselves until things went south. Playing with the grass, rambling feet came from behind him.

"So you came back" She spoke, sitting next to the tall boy
"You look like hell"

"Y/N" he sighed with relief
"I was looking for you, I wanted to talk about yesterday. I really want to explain myself, if you'll let me" Remus said looking into her eyes.

She didn't respond, allowing him to proceed.

"I've been keeping something from you, a part of myself that I don't like. When I was a little boy, I was attacked by a werewolf and now every month I suffer the consequences of someone else's actions." He waited to see if her demeanor would change, it didn't

"I didn't tell you because I was afraid you would think less of me, that I was a monster-"

"Hey, Remus look at me. I would never think you were a monster. You are the most important person in my life, nothing could ever change that." she grabbed his hand, rubbing her thumb up and down his.
"Thank you for telling me, I know it must've been difficult" she gently smiled

With his free hand, he brought it up to her cheek, cradling her face
"I love you, Y/N" he whispered

"I love you too" 

Remus leaned down, connecting their lips in a sweet but passionate kiss. Her hands traveled to his hair deepening the kiss.

 A weight had been lifted off his shoulders, his secret was finally out.

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