Chapter 2

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It was a beautiful Wednesday morning, Jisoo walked to her locker as she takes out her book but to her surprise, another note fell from her locker. She grabbed the paper and opened it.

Incase no one greeted you yet, Good morning.

A small smile made its way to her lips before closing her locker. She placed the paper inside her pocket and walked off to her class. She wondered who could've possibly wrote the note and placed it on her locker. Not to mention, no one has ever greeted her a Good Morning ever since that incident.

The class went on as it usually does, Jisoo was now on her way to the cafeteria to buy some lunch. She bought a box of milk and a boiled egg, the lunch lady was nice and also offered her some free cheese.

Placing the tray of food on an empty table at the very corner of the cafeteria, Jisoo settled there alone and started eating. Suddenly, she felt a presence of someone standing in front of her. She looked up only to see Irene, the person who intentionally bumped onto her yesterday.

"Jennie wanted me to give you this," She held out a small brown envelope in which Jisoo accepted. She opened it and was confused on why there was money inside it.

She closed the envelope back and gave it to Irene, "Tell her to forget about it. I can't accept her money. If she's so bothered then tell her to donate the money to the charity instead."

"You met Jennie yesterday?" Irene asked. The raven nodded and continued gulping onto her milk.

"I guess I'll go... but you should know, I'd probably be back since you didn't accept the money. You know Jennie," She added with a soft chuckle.

"Yeah..." There was an awkward silence between them.

"So, I should go," Irene said which earned a nod from the raven as the latter walked back to Jennie whom was observing them the whole time.

From the corner of Jisoo's eyes, she saw Jennie standing up and was about to walk towards her with the envelope. To avoid her, Jisoo quickly stood up and grabbed her milk before walking out of the cafeteria.

"What the hell is wrong with her?" was the last thing she heard from the brunette as she finally made her way out.

Jisoo was now heading to the bathroom but she felt a hand grab her arm. She turned around only to meet a pair of doll-like eyes. She was a bit taller than the raven and she had a very cute bangs. The unfamiliar girl stood right in front of her with a warm smile.

"Hey, sorry but uhm... do you know where section 12-B is?" She asked.

"O-oh, yes. That's my class. Just walk straight there then turn left," Jisoo said.

"Thank you, I'm Lisa. And you are?"

"I'm... Jisoo," The raven replied which earned a smile from the girl.

"Well, I should go. Nice to meet you Jisoo," The girl said before she walks away.

Jisoo thought she must be new here since it's the first time she had seen her. Not to mention, some students were saying that there's going to be a new girl in the campus and Jisoo assumes it must be her. Also, it seems like they're both in the same class.

Right now, Jisoo walked inside the bathroom and threw the now-empty milk box in the trash bin. She stood in front of the mirror before bringing both of her hands to tie her hair into a simple ponytail.

Just as she finished tying her hair, Jennie comes in with crossed arms.

"What do you want, Jennifer?"

Jennie scoffed before rolling her eyes, "I told you I'll pay you today, and my name is Jennie not Jennifer."

Jisoo faced the brunette, "And I also told you, you don't have to."

"I hate being in debt."

"I know, isn't that one of the reasons why you started spreading that stupid rumor about me?" Jisoo said.

"Oh my God, are you still not over that?"

"That was 4 months ago Jennie. Stop acting like it was 5 years ago."

"You know what? I don't care if you take the money or not. I just hope I never see you again."

"Fine," Jisoo swung her bag on her shoulder before walking out of the bathroom. Jennie followed her out but they both went on separate ways.

After class, Jisoo made her way to her locker and opened it. Surprisingly, another note was there. She took it and unfolded the paper.

You should stay away from Jennie

She got confused reading the note. She looked around the hallway and averted her gaze back to the note. She kept wondering who's been placing those notes inside her locker and why that person is telling her to stay away from Jennie.

"You don't have to tell me, I'd be willingly happy to stay away from that girl," Jisoo thought.

Walking through the hallway, she saw Lisa looking at the posters on the school billboard and decided to approach the girl.

"That's for the seniors' dance party, it's up to you if you want to join," She said which made the latter jump in surprise.

"Oh hey Jisoo, are you joining?" Lisa asked.

"No, I don't really know how to dance. How about you?"

"I'm not really sure. I'm still new and I barely know anyone here," She chuckled.

"Well, you should go. I'm sure you're gonna meet someone there," Jisoo said.

"Maybe, I'll think about it," Lisa smiled.

"Alright. I should get going, I have to go home," Jisoo said.

"Oh okay, bye. I'll see you tomorrow."


Jisoo threw herself on her soft bed, drifting into different kinds of thoughts. She stood up from her bed and took out the notes she kept in her pocket. As she scanned the notes, a yell interrupted her.

"Jisoo! Someone's here for you!" The raven quickly stuffed the notes inside her drawer and headed downstairs.

"Who is it?" She asked but froze when she saw Hae-in standing on their door way.

"Why don't you let your boyfriend in first?" Jisoo's Mom suggested.



The raven snapped back to her senses and realized what was happening.

"Oh uhm sorry, please come in."

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