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October 9th 2021
Andorra vs England


Kick off was approaching but at this moment, Emily was breastfeeding Jasmine and milo was "training" with the boys in his mini england kit with "21" on the back. Ben still doesn't know that Milo called him dadda so Emily is hoping Milo says it again today.

"so dad, who's starting?" Emily questioned as she is still feeding jasmine. "Sancho, Abraham, Saka, chilwell, foden, lingard, ward - prowse, coady, stones, trippier and johnstone" Gareth answered, "oo ben is starting, lets hope he scores." Emily. says softly but very happy. "yeah, well you are his lucky charm." Gareth chuckled.

The match has just started and Milo is cheering and Jaz is sleeping. 17 minutes later, jadon sancho passes to ben and he scores "DADDYY" Milo screamed and everyone was shocked but ben had a massive smile on his face. As the match progressed, it quickly was the end of the match and England won 5-0 and jack scored his first england goal.

"well done boys, you did very well" was the first Emily said entering the changing room. "thanks emz" the boys replied. "daddy you did so well" there it was again, Milo said it again. "did he just say-" Ben started but got interrupted, "he said it a couple of days ago" Emily responded. For the rest of the night, Ben had a massive smile on his face


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