The Queen's Crow (Chapter 1)

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It's when Vincent realizes this was a setup by the queen he was silently praying the date will go well he won't admit it yet but he always wanted a lover but couldn't find one that suit him or his family didn't approve of

But this noblewoman might be just the one for him

" so are gonna introduced yourself, Mister...?" Her voice sounds like an angel he Sees her smiling playfully at him she walks to the table with a tray filled with sweets and a hot tea kettle still steaming

He rushes to pull a chair out for her almost starting her a bit his cheeks burn with humiliation forgetting how to treat a lady 

" don't be nervous, I don't bite~"

Her words made his body shake slightly and his cheeks never stop
flushing she sat down as Vincent did the same across from her

" well am I gonna get your name  mister?" She asks softly
Staring at his blue orbs that gazes back at her

"Ahem, my name is Vincent Phantomive I'm so sorry for not introducing myself earlier I was caught off by your beauty I forgot my manners," he explained peeking to see if she reacted to his complaint but she only kept a straight-faced 

She then finally smile at him his heart clenched at her articulation

" it's nice to meet someone like you from the Phatomive family even when it's the Queen's guard dog, so let me introduce myself... My Noche Mare and I am the Queen's crow "

Vincent couldn't believe his ears when she spoke of her name
He was talking to the mare noche the talk all nobles ever say he heard so much gossip and stories from his mother and her noble friends he was so curious about the mare family since he never met them

Seeing one in person especially if it's the one he's been looking the most forward to meeting the most

"Are you honestly that surprise to meet me?" She said taking a bite of the pastry laid out for them

"Can you blame me though I've always wanted to meet you now I just want to enjoy being in your presence " he sighed dreamily seeing how her eyes gazes to his

Third POV~

Noche could care less that she was tricked into going on a date with a man she never met and only heard of by the queen but seeing how she made a good choice picking for her instead of her parents she slowly start to find him more attractive to his character seeing he was different compare to other suitors she wanted someone who she can enjoy being around,

he has been waiting for someone who can make her cold heart feel the warmth of affection

The queen smiled at the news of how her two favorite people were getting along she had only hope for good things for them

The two have begun courting after getting both approvals from the family they were always together even when separate they would talk about how they missed one another they goof with one other seeing as the two were enjoying being themselves not having to put on an act of their family name 
If one was invited to a party they always show up arm in arm proudly showing off their love in front of people

It gave off a warning to the other nobles or anyone who tried to separate the two lovebirds couldn't be done so many believe that they are a couple of true power

The Queen's Rabbit (Black Butler x Chubby reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt