- Chapter 5 - Quick date

Comenzar desde el principio

"I already told you- no means NO!!" He was really annoying me. To be honest I had considered it before and wouldn't really mind it..but now I just didn't want to do him the favor anymore.

Douma was still pleading and tried approaching me like last time again. This time I wouldn't let him though- I quickly turned around, grabbed the collar of his shirt and yanked him down. Grabbed his chin, slightly pinching his cheeks, looking directly in his eyes and said..

Douma POV:

I was still trying to convince Akaza to accompany me to the Town and stepped a little closer, so he gets embarrassed and agrees. (Which has been proved as an good technique against Akaza)

This time he was faster than me though. He quickly turned around, grabbed the collar of my shirt and yanked me down to his level. He's always been strong and kinda rough with me, but this behavior is new. He grabbed my chin, slightly pinching my cheeks, making my heart pound loudly. He was looking directly in my eyes and so was I. Then he simply said, "No~" and left.

[I've actually wanted to write more, letting it sound kind of flirty and cool but then I had no Ideas- But a simple answer probably fits Akaza more anyways? ]

I was standing still, surprised by his actions. My cheeks were burning. I didn't think he would be able to make me blush like that so soon. It was certainly unexpected..I would be pleased with him doing it more often though! His voice truly sounds hot and his body is perfect as well..~ I was drifting away, lost in my thoughts.

"ARE YOU COMING OR WHAT?" I heard Akaza's beautiful voice call for me from the distance. Awaken from my thoughts I sprinted over to my companion and hopefully soon to be lover.

Akaza POV:

After I repeated my answer I turned and left. Walking away from an dumbfounded Douma, feeling quite satisfied. His expression truly was priceless. After all I got my revenge, I kinda get why Douma likes messing with me so much-..It does feel good and is quite amusing. I haven't really noticed how happy I was that Douma spent time with me these days..but let's not give him too much credit-! He's still annoying as f*ck, but he does make me smile from time to time. Which I do appreciate, since it doesn't happen a lot. Maybe I should do something for him to repay him? I've honestly never done anything nice for Douma. He hasn't really either, since he's most likely only using me for his own amusement, but he has always been "nice"?

As i turned around to inform Douma about my new made decision, I noticed his absence. Ugh, thought something was missing. No one had interrupted my thoughts yet, so it should've been clear that Douma wasn't tagging along. He was still standing on the same spot, seemingly not in this world anymore.

"ARE YOU COMING OR WHAT?" This was the first time i had ever encouraged him to follow me and it will be the last. As soon as he heard my voice his head turned in my direction and his eyes were pinning me down. He started sprinting towards me as fast as he could. His behavior was kind of creepy but you get used to it. He's always acted like that for as long as I can remember. I really can't put my finger on it. Why was he always so focused on me? Obviously does he interact with others as well but he acts..differently. He's never jumping on them like that or chasing behind them like a lost puppy. It was confusing.

I wasn't able to continue my thoughts and honestly didn't want to either, because a certain Uppermoon decided it was a good Idea to Tackle-Hug me. Suddenly I really wanted to perform my new idea, ending not so well for Douma.

"Akaza-dono!!"-was the last thing I heard before hitting the hard ground. "DOUMA-WHY??" 

I continued to yell at him and he kept mocking me or giggled at my reactions. 

Douma x Akaza ~An unexpected connection~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora