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One stormy, cold day, fourteen-year-old Danny Fenton was walking home in the rain after he had been beaten by bullies at school. The schools' football player, Dash, and his minion had stuffed Danny in his locker, ripped up his books, and even broke his wrist from pushing him down the stairs. If that wasn't the worst, his teacher Mr. Lancer punished him for being late to class and even charged Danny for the textbooks that 'he' had destroyed. To make things worse, Mr. Lancer had called his parents to make sure that Danny would pay for the new textbooks himself.

It wasn't any better in his home, his parents were busy with their inventions to even notice him except for when the school would call them to punish Danny. Ever since he kept getting abused from both home and school almost every day, he stopped talking. The minute Danny walked into the house, his parents were already waiting for him with scowled looks. Mr. Lancer had called and told them the cost of the damaged textbooks. Danny's father grabbed Danny by the wrist and dragged him to the kitchen. He was gonna work off his debt by doing all the chores he was neglecting.

Which was because he was always fighting ghosts. Both of his parents had worked on a ghost portal in their basement which is also their lab. Danny looked inside the portal when his folks quit because it didn't work. He tripped and turned it on from the inside which caused his molecules to get rearranged with ectoplasm. He woke up hours later with snow-white hair and glowing green eyes. With these new powers, Danny had been stopping ghosts from destroying the town. But the more he saves the town, the more of an effect it had on Danny's life.

Danny could feel the soap burning his skin mostly because he had cuts and bruises from school and the soap was stinging him. When he finished the last of the dishes, his mother came in and dragged him down to the ghost lab. She forced him to clean the lab top to bottom, and to make sure that he does it, she locked the door shut. She even told him that he wouldn't get any dinner if the lab wasn't spotless. Danny couldn't take it anymore, he hadn't eaten for days. He clutched his stomach in pain as he cried from all the pain and sadness.

He was so depressed that he didn't hear the ghost portal open up. Johnny 13 and Kitty came out of the portal together when they saw Danny in complete distress. Rumors had spread around the ghost zone about Danny Phantom. How instead of fighting back as his normal fun/annoying self, he just went silent and broken. Johnny took a closer look at Danny, he was covered in bruises and cuts on his arms and legs, one of his arms looked broken and he was incredibly skinny. He told Kitty to call the police and a hospital quickly while he stayed with Danny.

Johnny and Kitty never really hated Danny, they both knew what it was like to be bullied and neglected. Since Danny's sister Jazz graduated early for college, he was alone. Johnny and Kitty have seen him like this and they would try to help Danny but it would always get worse. Johnny and Kitty became the big brother and sister that loved Danny no matter what. Johnny had his Shadow make sure that Danny's parents don't leave when the police come. He then picked up Danny and held him close to his chest, telling him that he was gonna be ok.

The sounds of sirens and cops rang through the building. The door to the lab was forced down by a swarm of cops. Johnny had shapeshifted into a human form to make sure that his ghostly form isn't revealed. Paramedics were rushing in, trying to take Danny out of Johnny's arms. He told them that he would be coming with Danny to the hospital since he was the only person that cared about the boy. The cops allowed Johnny to ride in the ambulance with Danny as they dragged his parents out of the house in cuffs.

Kitty made sure to follow behind on Johnny's motorcycle as the ambulance took them to the hospital. By the next morning, Danny had awoken in a hospital bed with an IV stick in his arm and a feeding tube in his nose. All his bruises were bandaged and some of the cuts were stitched up. His right arm was in a cast and even one of his ankles was cast up. Danny looked around to see both Kitty and Johnny in tears when he awoke. They hugged him tight while minding the injuries.

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