spicy night lmao

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"Now that we're alone," Ji Yeong said. "Let's make out!"

Sae Byeok blushed. "How do you say that stuff so casually?" She leaned in to kiss Ji Yeong a second time and she returned it. Sae Byeok could feel her tongue against hers. The kissing started to get intense. Sae Byeok leaned down into Ji Yeong and pinned her against the bed. Sae Byeok started to kiss down her neck.

"Ahh~ mhhm~" Ji Yeong softly moaned. "Don't give me hickeys cause I don't want to explain that to the boss."

Sae Byeok smirked. "I'll try, but I can't make any promises I can't keep." She lifted up Ji Yeong's shirt and pulled off her undergarments. Ji Yeong did the same for her girlfriend.

Sae Byeok leaned down and licked her 🐱. Ji Yeong yelped. "Ahh!~ nhn" Sae Byeok got her tongue all in there. "Uhh!~ Sae Byeok~" Ji Yeong gasped out. She spread Ji Yeong's legs and scissored her.

"Haahhh~" Ji Yeong moaned. Sae Byeok grunted and panted. Her movements were very swift. "Uhhh! Ahhhhhhh!~" Ji Yeong exclaimed. She climaxed. Sae Byeok pulled away and gasped out. Huff, huff, huff.

I walked into their room and was like "wtf" and I woke up and prepared for school while wondering what a weird dream I had.

True story lol

a sae byeok x ji yeong spicy dream I hadWhere stories live. Discover now