Chapter 1:The  beginning

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At the house

Y/n was finishing up packing her stuff since she would be staying in the dorms at Jujustu Tech her dad aka Gojo decided it would be good if she enrolled into Jujustu Tech since she has a good curse technique and she could train with the other students

Gojo:Y/n you finish packing yet? He said in his usual energetic tone of voice

Y/n:Almost ready! You said yelling from your room

Gojo:Alright ill wait outside then

Gojo went outside waiting for you as you brought a small suitcase and a backpack outside of the house

Y/n:So are we gonna head into the car or something?

Gojo:Who needs a car when i can fly?

Y/n:i- We are not flying *You said starring at him*

Gojo.Well we are *He then grabs you and ykur stuff and flew to the school*

Knowing Gojo he flew as fast as he could to be a show off towards you once you guys got to the entrance of the school Gojo set your suitcase down as you re-adjust the strap on your backpack

Y/n:So i heard that the kyoto sister event thing is going on

Gojo:Yeah you wanna join it? *He said with a cheeky smile forming on his face*

Y/n:I mean sure i guess i will

Gojo:YAY alright we should bring your stuff into your room now *He said as a carries your suitcase for you*

Y/n:Wait up! *You said running towards him while* Your legs are too long

Gojo:I dont know if i should take it as a compliment or a insult-

Y/n:Take it as both *You said giggling*

You guys made it to your dorm and ti the looks of it.It looks likes the 3 dorms by you are taken.Gojo was about to but you stopped him

Y/n:Wait i need to ask something


Y/n:When am i gonna meet the others?

Gojo:I can introduce you to them after they sre done with training?

Y/n:Sounds like a plan! *You said excitedly*

Gojo:Alright bye bye for now my beloved daughter *He said giving you a hug*

Y/n:Yeah bye dad *You playfully rolled your eyes*

Gojo left and you closed the door and started to organize everything in your room taking everything out of your suitcase and backpack and setting everything up after you were done you were about to go on your bed til you heard a knock on the door.

You walked over to the door and opened it to reveal your dad carrying a bag full of your favorite food

Gojo:I dropped by the store to by your favorite food *He said handing you the bag*

Y/n:You didnt have to! *You said pouting but still took the food anyways*

Gojo:Well the students are eating dinner right now so you can come meet them right now if you want?

Y/n:YES FINALLY *You said running down the hall*


You both look like maniacs running down the halls

You both made it to the place where the students were having their lunch and Gojo opened the door with his well known smile

Gojo:Hello my lovely students~

They all looked at him

Gojo:Well anyways my lovely daughter is joining the school with the 1st years *He said still having his energetic smile*

?:You have a daughter-?

A girl with short kinda orange hair asked

Gojo:Yes i have a daughter here she is

He said pulling you in front of him

Y/n:Uh hi?

Gojo:Dont be shy y/n they dont bite *He said jokingly*

Nobara:Well maybe Megumi will

She said while Megumi rolled his eyes at her

Norbara:Well anyways YOUR SO PRETTY

She said happily towards you

Y/n:Uh thanks *You said while smiling*

Gojo:Well anyways imma leave you here Y/n and let you bond with them while i have other business stuff to do *He said while shuffling your hair* Call me when you need me!


Nobara then dragged you to sit with the others at the table

Nobara:Ok so my name is Kugisaki Nobara!

?:Im Maki *a girl with green hair called out*

?:Megumi *A dude with spikey hair said*

?:Im panda *A talking panda said*

Panda:And this is Inumaki!

A/n:Im still getting use to using Inumaki Onigiri language so im sorry if i get it wrong!!!


Y/n:Eh-? Im so confuse-

Panda:Oh Inumaki has cursed speak so he limits his vocabulary to Onigiri ingredients!

Inumaki:Salmen! *He said slightly shaked his head yes*

Y/n:Oh understandable *You said giving him a smile*

Nobara:Sooo y/n What is your cursed technique???

Y/n:I have Telekinesis and telepathy/Mind control!!!


Maki:So you can read peoples minds right?

A/n:Got this idea from @CorinaPalomera !!!

Y/n:Yeah but if i use my curse too much then ill get a horrible headache and get dizzy

Megumi:So are you gonna join us in the event?


A/n:If the word is in this font then that mean you would be talking to inumaki Telapathy

Inumaki:I think having you on the team would get us the win for sure!


Inumaki:yeah im sure *He said giving you a small smile*

Panda:Wanna come train with us in the morning?


Maki:Just meet outside at 9am

Maki said while patting your shoulder and leaving to go to her dorm


You all finished your conversation as you went back to your dorm you saw that your dad dropped off your Uniform already and left it by the door so you took it and hung it up for tomorrow.


𝙼𝚢 𝙶𝚒𝚛𝚕 (𝙸𝚗𝚞𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚒 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)Where stories live. Discover now